Yandere Simulator Wiki


Yandere Simulator Wiki
Yandere Simulator Wiki

This page documents style consensus and related nuances to keep in mind while contributing to Yandere Simulator Wiki.

For site-wide rules, see this page.
For help with the editing process, please visit Community Central or contact wiki staff.
For general recommendations, see guidelines.

Grammar and spelling

Before saving the page, double-check the grammar and spelling. If someone points out a mistake, it's to help improve the content.

  • Use "the protagonist" when referring to the actions performed by her, unless describing something specific to either of the main game modes, or "the player" when describing something technical, such as pressing a button.
    • Do not link words like "the protagonist" to the page of Ayano Aishi, as she is no longer the only protagonist in the game.
  • If the protagonist's Senpai is involved, he can be described as "her senpai". If the context of Senpai is used for the player, it can simply be "Senpai".
    • Avoid linking the Senpai's name by splitting the word into two links (example: [[Taro Yamada|Sen]][[Jokichi Yudasei|pai]]) as it will confuse mobile readers when they click on the linked word. This also applies for "the protagonist".
  • When adding quotes, copy or extract the text exactly as written, including any errors. You can use any text-extracting website, Google Lens, or ChatGPT; however, double-check the output.
  • Games, artworks, and music titles are italicized but not taken into quotes (example: Yandere Simulator). Conjectural names should not be italicized.
  • The page's title should be bolded at the beginning when creating a starter paragraph.
  • Avoid using the same link multiple times when linking in a short article or the same paragraph.
    • Using a new link for each section (or subsection) in longer articles is better.
  • Do not put links to r/Osana or any other unofficial resources as a source. If it's a screenshot of an E-Mail or direct message, download the screenshot itself without any watermarks or links at the bottom and upload it directly to the wiki itself.


A category is an automatically formed page that collects multiple pages with shared traits.

Understanding the difference between a category page and the category itself is important. They exist independently of one another. Category page functions as a regular page; its content is displayed above the list of pages, can be categorized as any other page, and will exist even if you remove all pages from said category. However, pages can be included in the category itself even if the category page doesn't exist or is empty.

When adding categories to a new page, refer to the other pages to see what categories they have. It is also highly recommended to check the category pages to see potential recommendations and their topic.

Before creating a new category, discuss it with other editors; if it's supposed to include more than 10 pages, it should be done with a bot (link guidelines). Categories that have less than 5-7 pages should be removed.

Category Tree

Redirect pages

Redirect pages automatically open the destination page instead of the original page and show the destination page in the search bar. They're used to improve search results and to avoid breaking links when renaming, merging, or removing pages.

A redirect page (with one example) should be applied if:

  1. The character has been revealed to have a name, but multiple pages refer to its old name.
    • Sutemi Okada's old page name was "Osana's Stalker". As many pages still use the term "Osana's stalker" instead of his name, a redirect was added.
  2. The character is apart from another character's page/identity but has little information for it to be a page.
  3. If the topic has multiple names from different groups of people who speak English.
    • Tinfoil Sheets is the name of the object in the game. However, it is not a common name amongst English speakers, as the latter group would either use "Foil" or "Aluminium Foil" when looking for this item. As such, two redirect pages for one page were made.
  4. If a new character is added and is related to a character who has been on this Wiki.
  5. If the game itself provides multiple names for the topic.
    • Spool of Thread is the name of the object in the game when the player approaches it, but if they pick it up, and check their inventory via the protagonist's phone/notebook, it would be called String instead.
  6. If an object/item does not qualify to have its page, but may be relevant to readers.

Double redirects are not recommended. If a double redirect is spotted, the first one should either point to the same destination as the second one or be deleted.


The following rules apply to all files uploaded directly on the wiki:

  • Each file should have a descriptive, concise name; anyone should tell the contents of the file just by looking at its name at any place, without any additional context. For further details, see the next section.
  • No duplicates are allowed unless a duplicate version is used in the technical part of the wiki.
    • Unused files should be deleted unless uploaded before July 2021; files uploaded before that year may be falsely marked as "unused" while being used in old comments or posts.
  • No files should be included in any categories.
  • If an image is not made by the uploader, it should be provided in its original format. In other cases, .png format is preferable for images with small details, text, transparent background, or images that are supposed to be viewed in a big format. For images with no small or important details that serve purely illustrative purposes, .jpg format is preferred, as it has a smaller size and thus, loads faster.
  • It is important to note that .webp is not the original format in most cases but a compressed and optimized web version, however, it's often impossible to get the original file.
  • Screenshots of the game that have only text as their main content should not be used; if the text is important, it should be quoted properly.
  • No artificial-intelligent upscaling or any other manipulations by AI are allowed. The game should not be modded in any way, the protagonist of the Story or 1980s Mode should not be altered.
  • Icons and other plain textures should be extracted from the game files.
  • Please do not center any images, except for those in the "References" section.
  • Audio files should be extracted from the game files or have no unrelated sounds whatsoever; dialogues should be merged in one file using any external software.
  • Both .wav and .mp3 files are allowed, however, .ogg files may not be playable on Apple devices and a few specific devices due to a bug. Files like .ogg should be avoided.
  • If there are multiple recordings in a row or they do not fit any section, they should be placed in a subsection of the gallery.
  • Due to the technical limitations, videos can only be uploaded from YouTube. They often have the description pulled from the YouTube page; it should be cleared after uploading the file.
  • Videos should be treated the same way as images in other terms.

Naming conventions

Each file should be given a descriptive, concise name to ensure source code readability and improve the search results when using the search bar or typing in the name of the file in an editor.

In most cases, the characteristics should be listed in the following order:

  1. Subtype of the file, such as the name of the character.
  2. Type of the file, such as "portrait", or what series it belongs to.
  • Common types of files include: reputation graphs (marked as "rep"), profiles, portraits, models, icons, and texture (for plain textures pulled out from the game). If multiple files portray the same thing but from different angles or in different states, it can be considered a "series".
  1. Any significant characteristic that differs the file from other files of the same type, such as its creation date.

If the image relates to a game other than the Yandere Simulator game itself, such as spin-off games, an abbreviated or short version of its title can be included in the second position.

  • Sai-X (icon).png
    • "Subtype" of the file in this case is the name of the site this icon belongs to.
    • This file belongs to the "icon" type.
    • There are no alternative or old versions of this icon, so it's unnecessary to include any additional information. If this icon gets updated, "(old)" can be appended to the original file's name.
    • It's presumed that the image is related to the game itself unless otherwise specified, so it's unnecessary to specify that in the title.
  • Osana portrait (Jan 1st 2021).png
    • "Subtype" of the file in this case is "Osana"; no other characters in the Yandere Simulator universe have a similar name or surname, so it's unnecessary to list her full name.
    • This file belongs to the "portrait" type.
    • Portraits are getting updated often, so it's important to list the dates in readable format to distinguish them. Listing its numerical order can lead to unforeseen situations, and listing the date in numbers format can lead to confusion due to the difference between US and European standards.
  • Dark Delights Exterior (9).png
    • "Subtype" of this file is "Dark Delights".
    • This file does not belong to any type; however, it is a part of the Dark Delights exterior images series.
    • Listing the exact details that are portrayed on the image would take too much space, so its numerical order is used instead.


The reference box should always be placed at the bottom of the page, below the Gallery & Quotes and above the navbox. The template name for this is labelled {{Refer}}.

  • Use <ref> at the beginning of a source, and </ref> at the end of a source, which closes the link/file/text into a citation and places it next to the text you want it to appear next to.
  • Place references after the punctuation mark.
  • Add "thumb" and "center" to every reference which is an image. Seperate them with |.
    • The "thumb" will keep the image to the appropriate size without over flooding the references box, and the "center" will organize the image without causing difficulty to find it.

Using |thumb]] (top) and using |thumb|center]] (below).

  • The only two incidents that should not require the template is if the page doesn't have any citations in the page, or if it is a subpage of another page.
    • The issue with placing a reference box in the subpage of a main page is that all of the references in the main page would move to the subpage, which is connected through {{GalleryTabs}}. This would break the reference box on the main page, rendering it useless. It is mandatory to not place a reference box on pages with a dash (symbol /) in the name, which signifies the page to be a subsection of another page. Or a {{GalleryTabs}} template.

Re-using the same reference

If you would like to try to use the same reference for a different piece of information, you can use this method below to do so:

  1. For a image-based reference, type <ref name="Image Name.png">[[File:Example.png|thumb]]</ref>
  2. For a link based reference, type <ref name="Link Name">[Attached link]</ref>

To re-use the same reference twice, type <ref name="Example"/> next to your information.

  • The Example part should be just one word to describe what the reference is in short.
    • It cannot contain any single numbers without a colon at the start (such as 1, 9, 20, etc), as it would break the reference.
  • The file does not have to be .png, it can also be any other compatible file in this Wiki.

Information found on the Minato Ando page:

Appearance: "Minato's entire appearance is designed and crafted by his wife to align with her Gothic Lolita aesthetic."<ref name="Sheet">[[File:InfomationAboutBakeryOwner.png|thumb]]</ref>

Personality: "Minato is a timid man<ref name="Sheet"/> who fell for Rei's "dark and dangerous side"."

  • Seen here, Minato's appearance is mentioned in the photo reference provided, and since it has other valuable information, a <ref name="Example"> was implemented before the attachment of the photo to ensure it could be reused across his page.
    • It is proven correct to be used again when the reference name is used in the personality section.

Article structure and formatting


For the structure of miscellaneous pages, see guidelines.

The following types of pages should have this structure:

  • Appearance (If applicable)
  • Personality
    • Background (If applicable)
  • Routine (If applicable)
    • Regular
    • Weekdays (If applicable)
    • Weeks (If applicable)
  • Gameplay (If applicable)
  • Task (If applicable)
  • Topics (If applicable)
  • Relationships (If applicable)
  • Bugs (If applicable)
  • Trivia (If applicable)
  • Gallery & Quotes
    • If the page is too small to have this template, go by Gallery, Illustrations, and Quotes.
  • References
  • Navbox (either 202X or 1980s depending on which timeline the character appears in)

  • Appearance
  • Gameplay
  • Trivia (If applicable)
  • Gallery
  • Locations navbox

  • Appearance (If applicable)
  • Gameplay
  • Trivia (If applicable)
  • Gallery & Quotes (If applicable)
    • If the page is too small to have this template, go by Gallery, Illustrations, and Quotes.
  • Audio (If applicable)
  • References
  • Objects navbox

  • Appearance (If applicable)
  • Gameplay
  • Killing Animations
  • Trivia (If applicable)
  • Gallery & Quotes (If applicable)
  • Audio (If applicable)
  • References
  • Weapons navbox

Game Mechanics
  • Appearance (If applicable)
  • Overview (If applicable)
  • Gameplay
  • Trivia
  • Gallery & Quotes (If applicable)
    • If the page is too small to have this template, go by Gallery, Illustrations, and Quotes.
  • Audio (If applicable)
  • References
  • Game mechanics navbox

Trivia sections

Trivia consists of verified information that doesn't fit elsewhere in the article and is interesting. Speculations and opinions are not considered trivia.

  1. Does not fit in other sections.
  2. Important to the lore of the character or the overall game, or present interest otherwise.
  3. Confirmed by the developer and has an appropriate source.
Example and analysis

Trivia found in the Ryoba Aishi article:
"The Aishi family is highly successful in the textiles industry, producing everything from rugs to garments with the highest quality around; the family passed down the skills of sewing and weaving fabric for generations, reaching Ayano. This is the reason why Ryoba has impressive crafting skills and her husband took her surname, and not vice versa."

  • Does not fit in other sections — There is no section dedicated to this information.
  • Interest — The possibility that the Aishi family could have been highly successful in the textiles industry is significant to their lore.
  • True — The information is verified by YandereDev, and a citation with a screenshot of a Discord message and link to said message is provided on the page.
  • Trivia sections that do not adhere to the established trivia policy use {{Trivia}}.
  • Source links are mandatory; uncited trivia is marked by {{Cite}} template. Trivia that fails to provide a source will be deleted on the 15th of every month.
    • While links can be archived, sometimes, images are the best option, especially if the link dies, becomes unavailable to view, or breaks. Images with the original link attached to the file page are highly recommended. This is because if the post link dies, gets deleted or breaks, it is known at some point, that the trivia did exist and is still valid.
    • For messages left on the official Discord server, a screenshot of the message should be used as a source, and a link to said message should be provided. If it's a direct message or an e-mail, a screenshot is enough unless the person who uploaded the original screenshot has somehow disproved their credibility; in that case, a trusted editor should reach the developer to ask for confirmation.
      • Please do not directly use the Discord message link as a citation, as it will be very difficult for other users to try and verify the citations with a link that requires being in the official server.
  • Some trivia can be redirected to other parts of the page without appearing in a trivia section. Common sections of the page include Appearance, Personality and Relationships.