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Yandere Simulator Wiki

The vending machines are machines where the protagonist can buy drinks or chips.


On the May 24th, 2015 Build, there was an un-implemented Plaza filled with several miscellaneous placeholder objects. A red unusable vending machine was one of them, and it was located on the right side. It was eventually removed in the next update.

The first usable vending machine had a picture of leaves in the middle, and writing in hot pink kanji. The drinks that came out were blue and white cylinders with light blue writing on them. It was located on the right wall of Akademi.

As of the November 15th, 2015 Build, there are two identical vending machines on campus. They are located on the second floor in the cafeteria. When it is lunchtime, students will stand by the machines and gossip, but they will not interact with the machines.

As of the March 2nd, 2016 Build, there is a trash can located between the two vending machines.

As of the December 2nd, 2018 Build, the vending machines have been redesigned. The vending machines in the cafeteria are E-Sven Up And Orange Soda. The eating area also features three Vending Machines which are Pretsy, Cola Dora and Mr. Peter.

As of the February 1st, 2019 Build, another vending machine was added on the left side of the cafeteria, but it serves snacks instead of drinks.


When the protagonist walks up to a vending machine, a button prompt appears that says Buy Drink. When the E key is pressed, (A for the controller) a soda can will come out the bottom flap, as long as the player has enough money. The more cans that are bought, the lower frame rate will fall. At the moment, the protagonist can pick up drinks, but they serve no purpose apart from completing Hazu Kashibuchi's task, where he is thirsty and all you have to do is buy a drink and give it to him.

Ayano can sabotage one of the drink machines through the use of a screwdriver. This causes the machine to take in money but not dispense any drinks. This is used to expel Osana Najimi on Thursday, where you report her for vandalism. After sabotaging the orange vending machine (indoors), you buy a salty snack and give it to Osana. She does not accept salty snacks except on Thursday. When she goes to the vending machine and kicks it, you take a picture of her kicking the machine and then report her to the guidance counselor.

Salty Snacks[]

If the protagonist buys a pack of Salty Snacks from its respective machine, she can give the bag to any student (except Student Council, the Delinquents, Kenko Sukoyaka, Osana Najimi, Sumiko Tachibana, Ritsuko Chikanari, and Chigusa Busujima). They will briefly eat and proceed to take a drink from the nearest Drinking Fountain to quench their thirst. If the protagonist has met certain criteria (sabotaging the fountain with a Pipe Wrench, plugging in a Power Strip to the nearby power outlet, exposing the wires of the nearby switch with a Screwdriver, and turning on the switch), any student that drinks out of the fountain will get electrocuted. The protagonist herself can get electrocuted if she stands too close to the sabotaged drinking fountain. If Osana receives a snack on Thursday or Mission Mode, she will head to a vending machine instead of a drinking fountain to quench their thirst, so to accommodate for the Expelled elimination method. This can also be used to distract Raibaru so that when she goes away, Ayano can have a chance to eliminate Osana.


  • Vending machines were implemented in the October 8th, 2015 Build.
    • Sound effects were added for buying drinks from the machines in the October 11th, 2015 Build.
  • Ayano Aishi may be able to put soda cans in a sack and hit students with it, but animations are needed.[1]
  • YandereDev jokingly stated that the vending machines were implemented so he didn't go insane with stress.[2]
  • YandereDev stated in a tweet in 2015 that Ayano will have to buy soda if money is implemented[3] As of the August 1st, 2019 Build, Ayano has had to buy soda with money.
  • YandereDev likes the idea of Ayano contaminating a drink using poison or tranquilizers and giving it to people when Ayano has a good reputation. It may not be implemented due to difficulties in technique.[4]
  • The vending machine names are knock-offs from real soda brands.


Free food? Sure! I'll take it!

— Giving salty snacks to any student.

No, Thanks. I'm full.

— Giving salty snacks to students who already ate one before, student council members, or Kenko Sukoyaka.

Get that garbage out of my face.

— Giving salty snack to the delinquents.

It's tempting...I'm hungry...but it doesn't feel right. Maybe later?

— Giving salty snack to Osana Najimi on a day that isn't Thursday.

No offense, but I don't eat junk food. Sorry!

— Giving salty snack to Sumiko Tachibana.

I refuse to put something that inexpensive in my mouth!

— Giving salty snack to Ritsuko Chikanari.

I can't eat that - it would ruin my figure! Sorry!

— Giving salty snack to Chigusa Busujima.


