Yandere Simulator Wiki


Yandere Simulator Wiki
Yandere Simulator Wiki
Yandere Simulator Wiki

The track is an area of Akademi.


It is a straight orange track with six lanes. The track is located on a flat field, behind the school.

It is connected with the outside path of the school with the Gymnasium on the left side, and the Swimming Pool on the right side. The Cherry Blossom Tree is located right behind the track.

Before the December 2nd, 2018 Build, the track used to be round, in a circle. This was reduced to a straight line, since the school environment shrunk. Another reason was likely because the Sports Club were enabled to run in a perfect circle, which caused them to break the lanes and tended to skip parts of the track. It also made it difficult for the player to join the club, since they had to be in a specific area of the track to discuss with the club leader.


  • Currently, The Sports Club in both modes will use the Running Track before classes start (they also use track after classes if Pool Sign was placed on the pool).
  • The protagonist can "train" the suitors to gain their physical strengths to matchmake her rivals.
  • Two mysterious tapes on both ends of the track can be found for Ayano to play and listen to Yandere Simulator lore.
  • In 202X Shiromi Torayoshi patrols this area. In 1989, Joze Shiuba patrols this area of Akademi. They patrol the area at 7:22 AM, 7:57 AM, 1:09 PM and 3:49 PM.
Sports Club Activity-0

Participating in club activities. May 1st, 2016.



