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Tokuko Kitagawa Gallery

Tokuko Kitagawa is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi.



Tokuko has reddish-pink hair styled into four chest-length large spirals with two curled strands on either side of her head and a third curled strand on her forehead, partially covering her left eyebrow. She has light pink eyes.

She wears the default school uniform with a single red rose pinned to the right side of her head unless customized by the player. Her bust size is 1.5.


Before the August 20th, 2018 Build, her hair was a vibrant purple and she had lavender eyes.

Before the August 22nd, 2018 Build, her hair was dark purple.

Before the November 15th, 2022 Build, her hair was a dark, shiny tyrian purple.


An aspiring actress whose goal is to become the most famous performer in Japan. Because of her headstrong personality, she is constantly at odds with the drama club's leader.

— Description from Info-chan.

Tokuko striking a cute pose.

Among the Personas that are currently implemented in the game, Tokuko is a Social Butterfly. If she sees a corpse or witnesses a murder, she will run to the nearest crowded and call the Police. If Ayano Aishi approaches, she will scream for her to go away, and if Ayano commits another murder in her eyesight, she will curl into a ball. She cannot participate in physical fights against murderers. If Ayano aims her Phone at her, she will happily pose for a picture.



At 7:00 AM, Tokuko enters the school grounds with the other members of the Drama Club. She walks to her locker at 7:05 AM and changes from her outdoor shoes to her indoor shoes. At 7:15 AM, she walks to the Drama Club on the first floor to have a club meeting. At 7:20 AM, she will leave the Drama Club to go to the Gymnasium to rehearse an upcoming play with Tsuruzo Yamazaki and chat with the other club members at 7:30 AM.

At 8:00 AM, she walks to Classroom 1-2, sits at her desk and plays on her phone. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM, and leaves to eat her lunch outside the Drama Club at 1:00 PM.

She walks back to class at 1:30 PM and participates in cleaning time between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM. At 4:00 PM, she heads to the Gymnasium and stays there until the end of the day.

If the Drama Club is disbanded, Tokuko will still go to the Gymnasium to rehearse the upcoming play with Tsuruzo and chat with the other club members.

Week 2[]

At 7:00 AM, Tokuko enters the school grounds. She walks to her locker at 7:05 AM and changes her shoes. She then goes to sit down and read outside Classroom 1-2.

At 8:15 AM, Tokuko will enter Classroom 1-2, sits at her desk and play on her phone. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM. She leaves to eat her lunch by the shoe lockers at 1:00 PM.

She walks back to class at 1:30 PM and participates in cleaning time between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM. At 4:00 PM, she will sit and read by the shoe lockers until the end of the day.


The Conversational Topics Tokuko has opinions on are as follows:

Positive Negative
  • Drama
  • Cosplay
  • Gossip
  • Socializing
  • Money
  • Martial Arts
  • Sports
  • Video Games
  • Anime
  • Memes


Kizana Sunobu[]

Main article: Kizana Sunobu

As stated by her student profile, Tokuko is constantly at odds with her leader, Kizana, due to her headstrong personality. However, she doesn't actually want to see her dead at the time the game begins.[2]

Tokuko desires to be the most popular girl in school, and secretly holds a lot of animosity towards Kizana for being more popular than herself.[3]


  • She was implemented in the August 18th, 2018 Build.
  • Her name, Tokuko, which means "virtue child" (徳子) or "special child" (特子).
  • Her surname Kitagawa, can be meaning as "North" (Kita,北) "river" (Gawa/Kawa, 川) or "side" ( Kawa, 側).
  • Her name is a reference to famous Japanese actresses, Tokuko Takagi and Keiko Kitagawa. It shares the naming logic with Tsuruzo Yamazaki and Shozo Kurosawa.
  • The player can see her commenting on Kaobook on Kashiko Murasaki's phone.



Anyone want to hang out on Friday?

— Tokuko commenting on the school's website.

