Sutemi Okada Quotes
Sutemi Okada,[1] also known as Osana's Stalker is a minor antagonist who is featured in Osana's befriending/betraying elimination method.
Sutemi has messy, shoulder-length black hair, eyebrows, blue eyes and slight stubble. He also wears black, thick-framed glasses that cover his eyes.
He wears a plain white v-neck T-shirt with thick black trims and one breast pocket on the left, black baggy pajama pants with white pant strings, and white socks with a red trim at the ankles.
In his illustration, Sutemi holds a Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki plushie with his right forearm, and the plushie arms dangling in-front of his arms. The same arm has a hand, which he is holding a pink phone with a small polaroid of Osana. With his left hand, he handles a distressed Kika[2][3] by her collar, and he has a sinister look on his face.
Sutemi Okada is a hikikomori - a social recluse who refuses to pursue employment or education, and spends his days playing video games and watching anime. His parents reluctantly permit him to live in their house as a freeloader, partially because they know he would never survive if they kicked him out, and partially because they feel responsible for his shortcomings.
Sutemi's darkest secret is that he is physically attracted to his own biological sister. She is not aware of his feelings, but she still finds him repulsive anyway, because of his inability to socialize normally. She strongly prefers to avoid him whenever possible, which isn't difficult, because he usually spends entire weeks secluded inside of his bedroom, only leaving to use the bathroom.
Because he knows that his sister is off-limits to him, he has directed his feelings towards a popular anime character named "Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki" who physically resembles his sister. What began as an appreciation of the character slowly grew into an extreme hyperfixation, and then eventually developed into a psychotic obsession; he even converted his entire room into a "shrine" to Miyuki.
One day, during a trip to obtain some new Miyuki merchandise - one of the only circumstances that could ever cause him to leave his house - he witnessed Osana Najimi, a young woman attending the nearby Akademi Academy, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Miyuki. He saw her as a "portal" through which Miyuki could enter the real world; a way to make his "waifu" become real and tangible.
Sutemi stalked Osana until he had followed her all the way to her home. Desperate to interact with her, but unwilling to do so in person, he contacted the information broker known as "Info-chan" and paid her generously for Osana's phone number. Once he had it, he texted her incessantly, professing his love for her. Osana was disturbed by these messages, and commanded him to stop - to no avail.
A few days later, while spying on Osana's home, Sutemi he noticed her pet kitten through a window. The sight of the animal inspired him to design a twisted plan to "kidnap" Osana's cat and force her to obey his commands in exchange for the feline's safety. The following day, he successfully snuck into her house through an unlocked window, stole the cat, and took it back to his home in a pet carrier.
With the cat safely in his possession, Sutemi is confident that he can convince Osana to meet with him, whereupon he will romance her, convince her to move in with him, and dress her in Miyuki cosplay for eternity. However, he has no idea how to care for a cat, no plan if Osana refuses to cooperate, and no clue how he is going to keep any of this a secret from his parents.
He is completely incapable of perceiving the numerous flaws with his short-sighted plan, and only time will tell what fate will befall him...
In the game, Sutemi is referred to as a hikikomori (引きこもり), a Japanese term used to describe shut-in recluse who barely leaves their house and spends all their time occupied with activities such as anime, manga, or video games. According to his sister, he has been acting like this for over a year and has an unhealthy vision about women.
He is described as having no friends since he stays in his room all day and screams whenever someone enters his room. Having dropped out of school, he only leaves his room to go to the bathroom or to get food.
His room is dark and messy. On the left, the wall is plastered with many Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki posters, along with figurines.
He has an incestuous affection towards his younger sister, being described as a sis-con.[4]
Sutemi is a criminal, as he abducted Osana's cat and is currently attempting to coerce her to come to his house in order to get the cat. Including the fact that he is committing unlawful detainment by kidnapping Osana's cat and making her feel trapped because of his threats.
Sutemi's biggest weakness is "Moving out and getting a job" according to the Official website.
Before becoming a hikikomori, he used to be a complete Otaku throughout his years in middle and high school. Once he graduated high school, he became a full-on shut-in NEET.[5]
Sutemi can be found in his room in his house, expressing his love for Miyuki and his desire to transform Osana into the magical girl. Once Ayano approaches or makes a noise, he will turn around and regard her in shock, demanding to know who she is, how she got into his room, and what she wants, presuming her to be one of his sister's friends; and once Ayano takes the cat cage with Kika inside, he will demand for her to put it down and rant at her about how he and Osana are "destined to be together", but he will otherwise make no other efforts to stop her. However, if Ayano doesn't approach him or make any noise, he will not notice her and will continue to talk to his posters.
As of October 31, 2020 Build, Sutemi will now attack Ayano, triggering a struggle minigame if he becomes aware of her presence, and attempts to remove the cat from his room. If you lose, you will get a game over. If you win, he gets knocked out.
Osana Najimi[]
- Main article: Osana Najimi
Sutemi developed an obsession with her due to her apparent resemblance with Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki. Due to his obsession with having Osana become Miyuki and belong to him thereafter, he kidnapped her cat to blackmail her, threatening to kill the cat if she calls the police. He wants Osana to be "a surrogate for his sister.[4]" He met Osana in one of the towns and he started going out a couple of times lately as his sister said.
- Parents
- Main articles: Mr. Okada, Mrs. Okada
His parents are disappointed in him but they still tolerate him, which his sister reckons is because parents refuse to give up on their children no matter how screwed up they become.
According to his sister's conversation, Sutemi requested for his mom to just leave a tray with his meal outside his door. Sutemi's mother really wishes he will leave his room and join the rest of the family one day.
According to YandereDev, both the Okada parents are equally responsible for their son becoming the perverted, incestuous shut-in that he is.[6]
- Sister
- Main article: Sutemi's Sister
She doesn't tolerate Sutemi and pretends he does not exist. She describes him as a "hikikomori" in her phone conversation and says that she can hear him playing porn games and hentai. She mentions that he probably has an incorrect view of women, and her belief of this is so strong that she keeps her bedroom door locked when she goes to sleep so that he does not creep into her room.
He has a sister complex[4], also known as the common abbreviation "siscon". A siscon is someone who has a "strong attachment and obsession to one's sister or sisters.[7]" He is attracted to her. Because he cannot get into a legal relationship with his sister, he shows his affection towards the anime girl Miyuki from the titular "Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki."
His sister isn't aware that Sutemi is attracted to her physical similarities to an anime show character. She also isn't aware that he is attracted to one specific character.[6]
- Main article: Info-chan
According to his description, he paid a generous amount of an unidentified payment to Info-chan for Osana's phone number.
- "Sut" from Sutemi's first name and "Oka" from his surname together make a Japanese word, sutōkā, meaning "stalker" (ストーカー).
- However, his name (spelled 捨己) is a real Japanese given name,[8] 捨て身 (sutemi) means "putting one’s life on the line," "giving everything one has got, " or "acting out of desperation."[8] This can be a hint as to his desperation to get the girl he wants through illegal methods.
- His last name, Okada (written: 岡田) is precisely written as "hill rice-paddy."[9]
- According to YandereDev, Sutemi is in his early 20s.[10]
- He was revealed in the August 31st, 2020 Build/Official Demo.
- If Ayano successfully rescues Kika without his knowledge, or if he wakes up after being knocked out, Sutemi would think how easy it would've been for him to be outright killed, and would never do anything similar again for the remainder of his life.[1]
- If Ayano befriends Osana, the latter would call the police and report Sutemi's criminal actions, which would result in him getting charged with several crimes, pleading guilty, and spending some time in prison.[1]
- If Osana is betrayed, however, Sutemi will never face justice for his actions.[1]
- If neither befriending nor betraying is used on Osana, Sutemi will eventually grow tired of feeding and caring for Kika and release it in the neighborhood.[1]
- Before the October 31st, 2020 update, there were reasons to why he wouldn't stop Ayano from taking Kika.[11]
- If Osana was matchmade with Kyuji Konagawa, she would tell him about her problem. Kyuji would go to Sutemi's house and demand Kika. Sutemi would "chicken out" and give the cat back, never bothering Osana again.[12]
- If the player angles their camera, or uses posemod camera around Sutemi's room, they can find out that he has a body-pillow of Miyuki.
- Sutemi is not related to Chigusa Busujima.[13]
- Despite Osana saying she would report him to the police, she simply went to his parents and told them about their son's behavior. The parents didn't want to escalate the situation by involving the police, so they profusely apologized for their son's behavior, all while begging Osana not to call the police and reassuring her that they wouldn't let him get away with something similar again.[14]