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This article is for Sumire Saitozaki. Were you looking for Sumire Suzuki or Sumire Saito?

Sumire Saitozaki (a.k.a. Phantom Girl) is one of the first Easter Eggs in Yandere Simulator. She was released as a tutorial rival in the October 10th, 2021 Build, which also revealed the origin of the easter egg. Following the game's storyline, she was Ryoba's first rival.


Sumire can only be seen if the protagonist takes a photo in the girls' bathroom on the third floor, in the center of the bathroom. On the November 15th, 2015 Build, she was in the girls' bathroom on the right side of the school. No matter where the protagonist is, she will always be looking at her.

The player can also see her outline in red when using Yandere Vision in 1980s mode.

As of the June 16th, 2015 Build, she is now located in the girls' bathroom on the third floor instead of her former location, which was under the Confession Tree behind the school. The former area was just used for testing purposes, since the bathroom wasn't programmed before.[2]

There might be an event where a member of the Occult Club can interact with her.[3]

To avoid a time paradox, she is killed in the tutorial for 1980s Mode. In any timeline where Sumire is alive, she is killed to avoid the death of Jokichi.[4]

In the game's storyline, she was Ryoba's first rival.



Sumire has shoulder-length auburn hair in a bob cut and yellowish eyes.

She wears the default 1980s uniform with white knee-length sock.

For unknown reasons, at first Sumire had black knee-length socks, but it was later changed.


Sumire now has pale grey skin, a ripped version of the default 1980s uniform, and a hitaikakushi on her head. She has a completely black face aside from one glowing yellow eye. She also has 2 blue hitodama on either side of her. Before the release of 1980s mode, Sumire wore ripped version of a seifuku and a slightly different hairstyle.


Sumire's status is deceased since she was killed by Ryoba Aishi with a knife in the beginning of the 1980s Mode for having a crush on Jokichi Yudasei. She is currently haunting the girls bathroom on the third floor.


Sumire Saitozaki was the first girl who fell in love with Jokichi Yudasei, the young man who would later become the father of Ayano Aishi.

Sumire was a kind, gentle, and pure-hearted girl who never wished harm upon anyone.

However, after her cruel death at the hands of Ryoba Aishi, she became a restless spirit that was unable to pass on to the afterlife, forever haunting the location where she was killed.

To this day, she lingers in the east third floor girls' restroom, as if she is waiting for an opportunity to enact vengeance upon the woman who took her life.

Recently, the lightbulbs in that bathroom have stopped working, as if her malice has finally grown strong enough to begin affecting the physical world...

— Description on Official Website.

The first tragedy.

A flower plucked far too soon.

She can not yet rest.

— Alternative description on Official Website.

According to YandereDev, Sumire would've had the Fragile persona. "The type that would commit murder-suicide if someone hurt her sufficiently."[4]


Sumire was probably born sometime in 1971, since she was around 18 in 1989. Not much is known about her early life, except that in April 1988, when she was 17, she began attending Akademi. There, she developed a crush on Jokichi Yudasei.

However, her life ended in April 1989, when at the beginning of her second year in school, she was murdered by her classmate who also had a crush on the same upperclassman as she did. Her body was then destroyed in the Incinerator.

Since then to this day, for over three decades, her ghost haunts the place in which she died - the girl's bathroom on the third floor.


Some of the information here may be outdated, as many things have changed.

An early blog post on YandereDev's WordPress, named "Halloween and DLC" featured some ideas for the game, which included the Phantom Girl.

"As it was told, Yandere-chan's mother was a yandere girl in school and killed a female student in one of the school's bathrooms. The player can actually see the ghost of the girl that Yandere-chan's mother killed by walking into the bathroom and taking a picture. But what if that ghost had a chance to take revenge on Yandere-chan's mother, by thwarting her daughter? The ghost might decide to channel all of her energy into gaining a physical form, and romancing Senpai before Yandere-chan can confess to him. Yandere-chan would not be able to "kill" the ghost, and would have to expel her using unconventional methods. Perhaps the Occult Club would hold the key to getting rid of her, The Ghost may also be one of the rivals."


Ryoba Aishi[]

Main article: Ryoba Aishi

Ryoba is Sumire's real killer who murdered her in the 3rd floor girls' bathroom for having a crush on Jokichi. As she became a restless spirit, it's presumed that she developed a strong grudge towards Ryoba and wanted vengeance against her for killing her, as the official website states that her personality is resentful.

Sumire doesn't do anything when Ryoba is near around her in the bathroom, except staring at her.

Sumire was an acquaintance to Ryoba, only knowing each other's names, and little else before her death.[5]

The reason why both Ryoba and Ayano can detect Sumire's prescene (either by Yandere Vision or by a camera) is because of Sumire's hatred towards Ryoba and her bloodline.[6]

Jokichi Yudasei[]

Main article: Jokichi Yudasei

Sumire befriended Jokichi and developed a crush on him. Unfortunately, however, she never had a chance to confess her feelings to him due to Ryoba murdering her.

In Mission Mode, the reason for Jokichi's unavailability in 1980s Mode is because he rejected Sumire after she confessed to him, and she ended up killing him before killing herself.[4]

Oka Ruto[]

Main article: Oka Ruto

It is possible that Sumire will be a part of one of Oka's elimination methods.[7]


  • Despite being one of the students in 1980s Mode, she lacks a student portrait. All the other rivals still have a portrait and will retain it while deceased, but she will never be shown in the students screen.
  • She was implemented in the March 15th, 2015 Build.
    • She was first mentioned in the September 1st, 2014 blogpost.
  • She can be seen in the Horror Game.
  • She was suggested by an anonymous fan of the game,[8] but YandereDev doesn't know what inspired that person's idea.[9] YandereDev also states that in the first month of development he wanted to add ghosts[10], which means that he must have had the general desire but that the anonymous fan was the one who gave substance to the making of Sumire.
    • It is likely that idea of Sumire came from the Japanese urban legend of "Hanako-san", the spirit of a young girl who haunts school bathrooms. Typically, Hanako-san haunts the third stall of a third floor bathroom and is associated with the number 3, which ties to her being on the third-floor girls' bathroom.[11]
  • Her appearing only in photographs is a reference to the urban legend that sometimes ghosts appear in photographs.[12]
  • When she was first implemented, she was translucent, had no pupils, and had the same hairstyle as Ayano. She would always wear the second female uniform, regardless of customization.
    • When Ayano touched her, her uniform would change to black and red. This ended up getting removed, however, due to being reported countless times as a bug.
  • It is possible that she may be a DLC rival.[13]
  • YandereDev thinks that only Ayano can see her.[14] This is most likely because Sumire was Ryoba's first victim.
  • Since the October 16th, 2021 Build, activating Yandere Vision allows the player to see a red silhouette of her.
  • YandereDev imagines that she is the only one of Ryoba's victims haunting the school.[15]
  • Her parents eventually gave up on the idea that her killer would be found one day, but they never stopped missing her.[16]
  • She shares the same first name with Sumire Suzuki and Sumire Saito, a K-On! character.
    • Her name is possibly a tribute to the very first in game rival, which is named after said K-On! character, as she is the first rival to be eliminated in game chronologically.
  • Her name, Sumire, has several possible writings, such as "violet (flower)" (菫), "purity, lovely" (純麗), or "lucidity, sound of jewels" (澄玲).
    • It is unknown if her surname, Saitozaki, is a real Japanese surname. However, "Saitozaki" is a name of a Japanese train station, which is written as "west" (sai, 西), "door" (to, 戸), and "peninsula" (saki/zaki, 崎).
  • YandereDev states that if Ryoba hadn't decided to kill her, the entire history of the game's timeline would have completely changed. Ryoba never would have stood trial for murder, she never would have had to kidnap her Senpai, and Ayano would have been born in 1990.[5]
  • YandereDev hasn't put any thoughts about Sumire such as her hobbies, friends, family, situation, likes, ideal type of s/o or dream job.[5]
  • YandereDev states that she will be involved in one of Oka Ruto's elimination methods.[17]
  • She was a 2nd year student.[18]
  • Sumire's persona was Lovestruck before she died.[19]
    • In the Mission Mode timeline, she had the Fragile persona. She and Jokichi do not appear in Mission Mode due to a murder-suicide she committed between herself and Jokichi.[4]
  • Her hairstyle can be accessed via JSON or Pose Mode.
    • Her hairstyle can also be worn by the player if debugs are activated.
  • Sumire's family have given up searching for her; they believe she's dead.[20]
  • If Sumire wasn't a tutorial rival, she wouldn't have a suitor because she only loved Jokichi.[21]


Who would want to talk with me in a place like this...?

— Sumire confused on the note that Ryoba gave her.

Oh! Ryoba-chan! Are...are you the person who left that note in my locker? ...what did you want to talk to me about?

— Sumire asks Ryoba why she wanted to meet her.

Ahhhhh! You know who I have a crush on?! Ohhhhh, that's so embarrassiiiiing!

— Sumire extremely embarrassed after learning that Ryoba knows who she has a crush on.

Well...what is it? What did you want to tell me?

— Sumire's last words before being killed by Ryoba.

