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The Student Council is a special group of students that enforces the school rules. It should not be confused with normal Clubs.


The room is located in the west wing of the second floor. As of the December 18th, 2017 Build, the room has a wooden floor and beige walls. It has red curtains and red chairs surrounding a wooden table with a tea set on it. It has three bookshelves, a grandfather clock, a desk with a globe and laptop on it, and a chandelier.


Megami Saikou, the Student Council President, strives for excellence in all things. She settles for nothing less than the best, so has put together a student council comprised of the most elite students in school.

Kuroko Kamenaga was the school's previous student council president. She was defeated by Megami in the most recent student council election. However, Megami acknowledged that Kuroko was the second-best person for the job, and offered her the role of vice president. Kuroko accepted the offer.

While Megami is absent from school, Kuroko is in charge of Megami's presidential duties. In short, Kuroko fills the role of student council president while Megami is gone. Kuroko is known for being formal at all times, which is reflected in the way she stands, walks and speaks.

Akane Toriyasu is the Secretary of the student council. She's known for her gentle and friendly personality, but is also known for being a bit of an airhead - which makes it a mystery why Megami decided to appoint her to the Student Council.

As one of the most beautiful girls in school, Akane has a very large number of male admirers. often, her presence alone is enough to diffuse a troublesome situation. Perhaps this may be part of the reason why Megami decided to include her on the Student Council.

Aoi Ryugoku is the Enforcer of the Student Council. That means her job is to maintain peace throughout the school. She is a very physically imposing person, so it's no mystery why Megami chose her for this position. However, she's been known to take her job a little too seriously.

There are a handful of students at school who hide one of their eyes for some personal reason, but Aoi is currently the only student who is 100% confirmed to actually be missing an eye. As of now, there are only two students at school who know how Aoi lost her eye.

Shiromi Torayoshi is the treasurer of the student council. She's a peculiar young woman whose intentions are never clear. She is known for smiling at almost every hour of the day, in every type of situation, which is unsettling to some students.

Shiromi is an enigma; very few students know anything about her. Just about the only thing that anyone knows for certain is that she is very eccentric, and takes pleasure in performing harmless pranks on other students.

Megami has reason to believe that there is "a dangerous person" on school grounds, so she has warned the Student Council to be extremely cautious over the next 10 weeks, and has authorized them to carry pepper spray on school grounds. As a result of Megami's warning, the Student Council are much more alert than other students, and will bust out a can of pepper spray at the slightest sign that their lives may be in danger.

— The description from the official website.



In 202X Kuroko Kamenaga patrols this room. In 1989, Reiichi Tanaami patrols this room. They patrol the area at 7:22 AM, 1:11 PM, and 3:53 PM.


All members leave the room at 7:00 AM to patrol Akademi.

The vice president (or president in 1980s Mode) of the club patrols the non-club rooms inside the building of Akademi. They arrive to the room at 4:03 PM before staying there for the remainder of the day.

The secretary (Akane or Ken) patrols all of the clubrooms in Akademi, except for the Gardening, Sports and the Gaming Club (202X Mode only). They arrive to the room at 4:01 PM before staying there for the remainder of the day.

The enforcer (Aoi or Daisaku) patrols the entire building floors by patrolling each corner. On the rooftop, they go in the middle of each wing and patrol. They arrive to the room at 4:02 PM before staying there for the remainder of the day.

The treasurer (Shiromi or Joze) patrols all outside spots, especially the plaza. They arrive to the room at 4:07 PM before staying there for the remainder of the day.



Megami ordering security cameras and metal detectors to be present at school.

Since Student Council members carry pepper spray, they cannot be attacked from the front. It is possible to sneak up behind one and kill them, but it will cause Megami Saikou (Kocho Shuyona in 1980s Mode) to have security cameras and metal detectors implemented at school. This also causes everyone else to be afraid, permanently reducing the atmosphere to 0%, therefore permanently setting the game to the hardest difficulty, unless the week has been reset.

In 202X Mission Mode, Info-Chan offers a service to get student council members fired by sending false evidence of wrongdoing. This service costs 25 Info Points. A student council member who is fired will no longer be armed with pepper spray, and will walk around with a depressed pose, apparently upset at getting kicked out. They will also no longer react to footsteps, shove Ayano or send her to the counselor if she is acting suspicious, instead acting more like a normal student. However, they will still continue wearing the Student Council uniform and patrolling the school as if they are still a member, and if they catch Ayano committing a crime, they will attempt to apprehend her like a Heroic student normally would with a Peak Physical Strength Self-Defense. This service is added into Mission Mode to accommodate for multi missions, so that the player can kill Council members in ways that aren't possible while they are still in the council (Example: Drowning, Pushing Off Roof). In the future, Ayano will be able to get them fired in Story Mode.[1]

In 1980s Mission Mode, the Student council boys will be unable to dodge any liquid bucket or tripware traps.

Joining the Council[]

It is currently not possible to join the Student Council.
YandereDev is not planning to add the ability to join the student council in 2024.[2]

Ayano's responsibilities.

Originally, the plan was that Ayano would not be able to join the student council at all.[3] However, this was changed in the "Club Benefits in Yandere Simulator" video. Ayano will be able to join the student council in the future, but it will give her many responsibilities. Failing to maintain the responsibilities will result in Ayano being ejected from the council.

To join the council, the player will have to meet multiple criteria. YandereDev says that all of the student council members will have tasks for Ayano to complete, and they will be like puzzles, which are tricky.[4] For example: Shiromi's task would ask Ayano to steal something from the Faculty Room with around five teachers present.[4] YandereDev says that all of the members will test Ayano to see if she is "equal" to them.[4]

If Ayano were to join the Student Council, she would be able to:

  • Ask for a favor without befriending the student.
  • Be up to thirty minutes late to class with no penalty.
  • Walk anywhere she wants without suspicion (excluding the boys' bathroom) and be less suspicious to students and faculty.[5]
  • Ayano would also be able to 'unlock' the ability to do something regarding Megami, but this benefit has not been revealed yet because it would be a spoiler.[5]
  • The students will let their guard down around Ayano, so the students' cone of vision will be smaller.

The player can join the student council before the election in Week 10.[6]

It is unknown if this will apply to Ryoba Aishi as well.


1980s Mode[]


  • YandereDev gave the Student Council their own unique uniform because he felt that they wouldn't be special if they wore the same uniform as everyone else.[7]
  • If a Student Council member runs to the teachers to report a murder and discovers that all teachers are dead, they will realize what kind of danger they are in and will run out of school and call the police.[8]
  • Each member, excluding Megami and the members in 1980s Mode, is based on one of the Four Symbols of Chinese myths and culture (Vermilion Bird, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, White Tiger). The names of those four members derive from the Japanese translation of these creatures.
  • Every 202X member of the Student Council has an unconfirmed rumor floating around about them.[9]
  • Their reputation could be lowered enough that they would resign and leave school. However, their reputation will go down much slower than other students, unless Ayano has specific "dirt" on them.[10]
  • They are slightly feared by students but not disliked.[11]
  • They dislike the Delinquents but tolerate them.[12]
  • YandereDev mentioned that if the Student Council were dismissed, it would not happen until after the game ended.[13]
  • YandereDev was considering adding a 6th member that would likely patrol the classrooms, Kiyoko Tatsuhara.
  • If Ayano joined the council, she would have a more obscure role, like a "historian".[14]
  • YandereDev thinks that unless certain circumstances are met, they would be immune to bullying.[15]
  • YandereDev was inspired by the concept of a "badass" student council, found in numerous anime shows.[16]
  • YandereDev thinks that all former members of the Student Council have already graduated by the time the game started.[17]
  • They will not accept food from the protagonist, as they are too cautious to accept food from a stranger.[18]
    • For some strange reason, they accept food from the Cooking Club members.
  • The Student Council cannot be shut down.[19]
  • If the Student Council got in a fight, Aoi would be winning, but then the lights would turn off, and when they turn back on, Shiromi would be the last one standing.[20]
  • Reiichi is the person who picked the members in 1980s Mode.[21]
  • If Ayano was accepted into the Student Council, the rest of the Student Council members would be wary and cautious around her. They would also give Ayano lots of tasks to keep her busy and test her resolve in the council.[22]
  • YandereDev would use logic and take the answers seriously[23] to reply to questions related to Kuroko, Akane and Aoi. In terms of Shiromi, he would give out the weirdest answers for "shock value".[24] It is unknown if this applies for the male student council.
  • Pepper spray will not be a weapon if the player joins the Student Council.[25]
  • The ability to join the student council could and would be added to both storylines in Yandere Simulator.[26]
  • According to YandereDev, One of the Student Council in the 1989's mode is a teenage father.[27]
  • The 202X student council girls don't hang out with each other after school. The only time they hung out outside of school was Shiromi's suggestion. As the four girls went to an amusement park together. They aren't friends with one another.[28]
  • If the 202X members found a bug in their club room, they would assume that Ayano was spying in on them.[29]
  • If Megami decided to pick Ayano's rivals as student council members, she would have a difficult time picking anyone, as none of the rivals demonstrate the traits needed for a student council member. Ultimately, she would pick Amai Odayaka, Kizana Sunobu and Asu Rito.[30]
  • Both councils in both timelines were warned of the protagonist.[31]
    • In 202X, Megami has instructed her members to pepper-spray and restrain Ayano if they get an impression of Ayano attempting to kill them. They are told that Ayano is a potential danger to them.[31]
    • In 1989, the story is almost similar, where Ui Tunesu told the student council to be wary of Ryoba.[31]
  • Student council members do not feel guilty when they push the protagonist away, since they are acting out of self preservation.[32]



  1. 1989StudentsTriviaAndTwoRivalsTrivia
  2. https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2024/07/15/the-hardware-update/
  3. https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/632366731873292288
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2
  5. 5.0 5.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZVdorVKlXI
  6. IdeasForTheBullyClub-WhyOsanaCallsHimSenpai-AndYakuzaLore
  7. https://youtu.be/4Utx0zINAx0?t=478
  8. https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/may-9th-save-load-bug-fixes/#more-12566
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Utx0zINAx0
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7ko1wp/lowering_student_council_members_reputation/
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7ky1ps/question_about_student_council/
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7kveti/questions_about_delinquentsstudent_council//
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7ljie6/question_about_student_council/
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7mwb37/student_council_question/
  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7n49k0/questions_for_yanderedev/
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7odaie/questions_for_dev/
  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7piqfo/former_student_council_members/
  18. https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2018/02/04/february-4th-bug-fixing-build/#more-11532/
  19. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7prxbh/student_council_questions/
  20. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7opgmg/how_would_a_fight_between_these_characters_play/dsc4zre/
  21. WhoPicked1980sStudentCouncilMembers
  22. https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/7tg1ow/student_council_questions_for_yandere_dev/
  23. CasualClothingOfStudentCouncilMembers
  24. WhatInspiredYanDevToMakeShiromi
  25. Questions
  26. WeCouldJoinTheStudentCouncilInBothModes
  27. [1]
  28. YS Trivia The Student Council Girls Aren't Friends
  29. EmailsAboutPhotographyClubPart2
  30. Megami Picking Ayano's Rivals As Student Council Members
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2
  32. HypotheticalDialogueFromRyobaAboutTheStudentCouncil