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The Sociology Classroom is a room in Akademi.


202X Mode[]

The Sociology Classroom is located on the second floor in the eastern wing, near the back of the school. This room is occupied by the Gaming Club, and has computers and displays, a DDR machine, other gaming equipment and anime items.

1980's Mode[]

The room reuses most of it's appearance from Meeting Room. On a table there are three books, specifically about; jokes, video games, and anime.


In 202X Kuroko Kamenaga patrols this room. In 1989, Reiichi Tanaami patrols this room. They patrol the area at 7:17 AM, 7:50 AM, 1:08 PM and 3:48 PM.

If the protagonist befriends a student and asks them to follow her, the protagonist can learn the student's 4 conversational topics while being in this room.

In 202X Mode, the Sociology Classroom is used by the Gaming Club as their clubroom. The club leader, Gema Taku, stays in the clubroom for most of the day, leaving for class and to go home.


  • It was implemented in the November 15th, 2015 Build.
  • This location is the only place where the protagonist can learn of student opinions on four opinions at once. Whereas some places, you can only learn 1-2 opinions at once.
  • Gema's request for a creation of the gaming club was denied, so he created it himself. He moved a bunch of things into the Sociology Classroom without the permission of his school. But they have not yet done anything (yet) to stop him, since the room wasn't going to be used anytime this year.[1]



  1. GamingClubRoomOrigin
