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FavorsMainMenu (2)

Services on the "Favors" menu.

Services are a type of favors Info-chan provides in exchange for Info Points.


In order to access the Services menu, Ayano Aishi will have to open her phone menu and go into the "Favors" section. In the center, there will be a subsection named "Services". Selecting this will take Ayano to a long list of all the available services that Info-chan can provide. Each service costs a different number of Info Points.

Picture Service Name Description Availability Cost
Provide Student Info Icon
Provide Student Info Info-chan will provide you with the name, club, personality, crush, and schedule of any student you wish to know about. Multiple times in one day 1
Improve My Reputation Icon
Improve My Reputation Increase Yandere-chan's reputation by 5 points. Multiple times in one day 5
Damage Rival Reputation Icon
Damage Rival Reputation Damage your rival's reputation by 5 points. Reputation can become a negative number. If your rival's reputation drops below -100, Senpai will not be able to accept her love confession. If her reputation drops below -150, she will commit suicide. Multiple times in one day 5
Provide Embarrassing Secret Icon
Provide Rival's Embarrassing Secret Info-chan will sell you one of your rival's most embarrassing secrets. This information will boost the strength of your gossip towards your rival, which will make it easier to eliminate her by ruining her reputation. Once per week 5
Send Student Home Icon
Send Student Home (Unavailable in Mission Mode) Info-chan will contact a student and give them (fake) devastating news about a family member. The student will leave school immediately.

If student portraits don't appear, back out of the menu, load the Student Info menu, then return to this screen.

Once per day 25
Delay Police Icon
Delay Police This service is only available if the police are en route to the school. Info-chan calls the police and tells them that the murderer they are looking for was spotted leaving the school. This will cause the police to search the area outside of the school for 5 minutes before entering. Once per day 20
Recorder Icon
Provide Counselor Info This service will unlock a dialogue option when being confronted by the Guidance Counselor. Only once 10
Provide Rival Likes and Dislikes Icon
Provide Student Likes and Dislikes Info-chan will provide you with a list of any student's likes and dislikes, which will become visible from their Student Profile, and also visible when socializing or gossiping with them. Multiple times in one day 10
Fire Student Council Member Icon
Fire Student Council Member (Only available in Mission Mode) Info-chan will get a student fired from the Student Council. That student will lose their pepper-spray, and it will become possible to interact with them as if they were a normal student. Multiple times in one day 25
Provide Rival's Dark Secrets Icon
Provide Rival's Dark Secrets Info-chan will sell you the information required to perform the "Befriend/Betray" elimination method on your rival. Once per week 10


  • In early versions of the game, there were two additional services: "Provide Spare Uniform" and "Provide Weapon". The latter was removed from the game before being actually implemented, and the first one was moved to the drops menu.
  • Genka Kunahito's monologue about the delinquents can be heard on one of the videos.
  • Whether or not Ayano has used any of Info-chan's services may affect the ending.[1]
  • Raibaru Fumetsu and Osana Najimi cannot be sent home due to keeping their phones on silent while at school.
  • In Mission Mode, the send home service is disabled entirely.
  • The send home service can ONLY be used on one student ONCE because in the future they won't be fooled again.


