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Riku Soma Gallery

Riku Soma (real name: Riku Somatomo) is one of the male students who currently attends Akademi.



Riku has purple hair with some loose strands jutting out from the right side. His eyes are crimson.

He wears the default school uniform with a small rose as a boutonniere on the left side of his torso unless customized by the player.


Before the August 18th, 2018 Build, he didn't wear the rose boutonniere, and had purple eyes that matched his hair.


Comes from one of the most wealthy families in Japan. He never flaunts his money, but he has an unusually posh way of speaking, which makes his affluent origins very obvious.

— Description from Info-chan.

Riku striking a cute pose.

Among the Personas that are currently implemented in the game, Riku is a Social Butterfly. He will happily pose for a picture if Ayano Aishi aims her Phone at him. If he sees a corpse or witnesses a murder, he will run to the nearest populated area and call the Police. If Ayano approaches, he will scream for her to go away, and if Ayano commits another murder in his eyesight, he will curl into a ball. He cannot participate in physical fights against murderers unless the player kills Kokona Haruka.


At 7:05 AM, Riku enters the school grounds with the other members of the Drama Club. He walks to his locker at 7:10 AM and changes from his outdoor shoes to his indoor shoes. At 7:15 AM, he walks into the Drama Club to have a club meeting. At 7:20 AM, he walks into the Gymnasium and watches Tsuruzo Yamazaki and Tokuko Kitagawa rehearse for an upcoming play.

At 8:00 AM, Riku walks to Classroom 2-1, sits at his desk and plays on his phone. He starts his morning classes at 8:30 AM. He leaves to eat his lunch outside the Drama Club at 1:00 PM.

Riku walks back to class at 1:30 PM and participates in cleaning time between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM. At 4:00 PM, he heads to the Gymnasium and stays there until the end of the day.

If the Drama Club is disbanded, Riku will still watch Tsuruzo and Tokuko rehearse along with the other former members.


Main article: Tasks

Riku wants the player to take a picture of the kitten behind the school so he can see if it's well. After the task is completed, Riku will thank the player and befriend them.


Kokona Haruka[]

Main article: Kokona Haruka

Riku is in love with Kokona. In the older builds, Kokona was a rival. To use the matchmaking elimination process, the player would match her with Riku. Now, the two are both regular students, the only difference being that Riku still has a crush on Kokona. If Riku sees Kokona being murdered by Ayano, he will run up to Ayano and attempt to apprehend her, even though he has very weak self-defense.

Riku likes Kokona for how nice, sweet and friendly she is.[3]

As of the October 31st, 2024 build, Riku will no longer accept gossip related to Kokona, regardless if the Drama club disbanded or not.


The Conversational Topics Riku has opinions towards are as follows:

Positive Negative
  • Cooking
  • Drama
  • Cats
  • Justice
  • Socializing
  • Photography
  • Sports
  • Video Games
  • Gossip
  • Money


  • His name is a reference to the most popular male Japanese names in 2012, 11th most popular being Riku, 12th most popular being Soma.[4][5]
    • However, his last name, Soma (written: 相馬) is a real Japanese last name.[6]
  • His real name is Riku Somatomo as of the July 1st, 2020 build.
    • Somatomo (written: 杣友) with 杣 meaning "a mountain from which lumber is procured." and 友 meaning "friend, companion".
  • His female counterpart is Kokona Haruka.
  • In older debug builds, he was the only male student that was a part of the Cooking Club. However, he never participated in the club activity after school.
  • Before the June 29th, 2016 Build, he arrived on school grounds 13th in line on the left side.
  • YandereDev's personal headcanon is that shortly after he and Kokona begin dating, she tells him about her father's debt problems, and he pays off the debt.[7]
  • He is the only male student with a British accent.
  • He is considering a career as an actor.[8]
  • Before Sora Sosuke was removed from the game, YandereDev thought that they were probably just as close friends as Saki Miyu and Kokona.[9]
  • Riku is one of the only remaining characters of the "Rainbow Twelve" in 202X Mode, along with Saki and Kokona.
    • He is the only remaining male character of the "Rainbow Six" boys in 202X Mode.
    • He is the only male "Rainbow Six" member to be in a club.
    • He is the only member of all "Rainbow Twelve" whose eye color does not match the hair color.
  • Riku's family does business with Saikou Corporation. In fact, nearly all of the most wealthy families in Japan have some connection to Saikou Corp.[10]
    • YandereDev has yet to think about what his family does with Saikou Corp.[11]
  • In a ranking of student wealth, Riku is ranked in fourth place.[12]



I saw the most peculiar thing today - there was a kitten walking around the school! I'm not sure how it got in here... It was quite an adorable little creature. I wish I could get a second look at it... If you see that kitten anywhere, would you mind taking a picture of it for me?

— Riku asking if Ayano could take a picture of a kitten for him.

It's good to find someone else who shares my appreciation for felines! Best of luck to you!

— Accepting Riku's task.

Ah, I was worried that it was a strange request. I apologize for taking up your time.

— Denying Riku's task.

Yes, that's it! That's the kitten I saw! Hmm, it appears to be in good health... how delightful!

— Completing Riku's task

Hey! I have a lot of respect for that person! Don't say anything weird about them!

— Attempting to gossip to Riku about Kokona.

