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Raibaru Fumetsu Gallery Illustrations Quotes

This page is for Raibaru Fumetsu. Not to be confused with Rival-chan or Victim-chan.

Raibaru Fumetsu is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi.


Raibaru has pale yellow-toned skin, flushed cheeks, orange-amber eyes, and a soft smile. Her bright orange hair is done up in slightly curled pigtails just above her shoulders. To keep her hair up, she wears ruffled pink and white polka-dotted scrunchies and a purple ribbon, matching Osana Najimi. Her bust size is 1.5.

She wears the default school uniform with black shoes and loose white socks unless customized by the player.

In her previous official artwork, she is shown to be slightly chubby.


Exactly one year before Yandere Simulator takes place, Raibaru was the president of the Martial Arts Club. She was a very good teacher, and taught many students self-defense, even if they weren't actually members of the club. Many students underestimated Raibaru due to her cute and girly appearance. A lot of students challenged her to duels, believing that they could easily defeat her...but until then she never lost a single match. She was very proud of her 100% win streak. It earned her the nickname of 'The Indestructible Rival' by students and 'Mysterious Obstacle' by Ayano Aishi, the player.
Raibaru's star pupil was Budo. Budo learned many things from his sensei Raibaru and held an immense amount of respect for her. At the end of the semester, Budo unexpectedly challenged Raibaru to a duel. She accepted his challenge, and to everyone's surprise, Budo defeated Raibaru, shattering the 100% win streak that she had worked so hard to maintain. However, Raibaru was not angry when she was defeated; she was relieved! For a long time, she had wanted to stop practicing martial arts and pick up another hobby, but she felt obligated to keep practicing martial arts just because of her winning streak. Now that her streak was broken, and one of her own students had surpassed her, she felt like it was finally okay to quit martial arts. Raibaru resigned as the club's president and promoted Budo to the position of club leader. All of her pupils were very sad to see her go, but they respected her decision and accepted Budo as their new club president.
After the school semester ended, Raibaru made a new friend - Osana Najimi. They spent a lot of time with one another and quickly became best friends. In fact, the two of them grew so close that they even started to wear matching accessories! At the point in time when Yandere Simulator takes place, it's rare to see Osana without Raibaru at her side. The two of them have become almost inseparable, which makes eliminating Osana hard.
Even though she's not participating in the Martial Arts Club anymore, Raibaru is still at peak physical condition and is more than capable of breaking bones in order to protect herself or her friends. This means that the safest place in school is at Raibaru's side and means that the player will have a pretty hard time to eliminate Osana if Raibaru is near her...

— Description from Official Website.

Osana Najimi's best friend. The two of them spend almost all of their time with one another. It’s worth mentioning this girl was the leader of the Martial Arts Club last year. Don't get on her bad side; you won't beat her in a fight... unless you resort to underhanded methods.

— Description from Info-chan.

Among the Personas that are currently implemented in the game, Raibaru is Protective. She will ignore the camera if Ayano Aishi aims her camera at her, causing a reputation penalty. If Raibaru witnesses Ayano commit murder, she will run up to Ayano and apprehend her without starting any struggle mini-game, which results in a Game Over; the latter will be instantaneous regardless of Ayano's Strength factor.

Raibaru appears to be serene, cute and girly, but she is actually tough, scary and brutal around criminals. Raibaru is only sociable and open to Osana Najimi, so even befriended and seduced students will refuse to distract her (which involves asking an embarrassing question) since they don't want to get on her bad side. If Ayano talks to Raibaru, Osana will stop and wait. If Raibaru hears any auditory distractions such as giggling and the Radio, she will run instead of walk to the distraction. Raibaru will also refuse to follow Ayano if she is a delinquent, but she can still be intimidated into doing other favors. This is because she's not afraid of bullies or delinquents. She will also run instead of walk if Ayano asks her to go away. Prior to the March 22nd 2021 build, Raibaru would not speak to the player at all, would ignore audio distractions, and ignore suspicious objects on the ground.

Normally, if Raibaru discovers a corpse, she will report to Osana and tell her that something horrible has happened, and immediately run away from the school and calls the Police.

However, if Osana has died or went missing and Raibaru discovers a corpse, she will act upon the Teacher's Pet persona.

In Mission Mode and the Alphabet Killer Challenge, Raibaru will be Heroic and as strong as Budo Masuta. She also won't be able to apprehend Ayano if she attacks her. She also no longer dodge any type of liquid in a doorway, making more easy to burn her.

Unless poisoned, she is able to sense, dodge and apprehend anyone attacking her, whether by stealth or not. She also cannot be killed by mind slaves unless the mind slave in question is Osana. However, while being attacked by a mindslave, Raibaru is rendered vulnerable and Ayano can help the mind slave stab her, creating the only proper way of killing her with a weapon. Strangely, doing this will not cause anyone nearby, including Osana, to become witnesses and blame the murder on Ayano.

Raibaru retains a strong sense of justice and immense determination towards stopping people with the likes of Ayano, as demonstrated by her reactions to being attacked and witnessing the murder of others under Ayano's hands. To fulfill that strong will of hers, Raibaru is willing to do anything to stop a murderer, including breaking both the other's right arm and right wrist despite it not seeming necessary, as seen by how other characters usually apprehend Ayano in a more normal fashion.

According to YandereDev, Raibaru is a sweet and naïve girl that wouldn't suspect her friend attacking her[2] which is why she wouldn't fight back if a mind-broken Osana targeted her.

She is not a fan of Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki.[3] Her favorite animal is red pandas.[4]


The Conversational Topics Raibaru has opinions on are as follows:

Positive Negative
  • Cooking
  • Art
  • Martial Arts
  • Justice
  • Nature
  • Occult
  • Video Games
  • Violence
  • Gossip
  • Solitude



Most of Raibaru's routine involves her talking with Osana near the tree where Rival-chan stood at and following Osana around, even watching as Osana interacts with Taro Yamada.

This section contains spoilers. You have been warned!

Every morning, Raibaru will start off standing behind a tree, watching Osana's conversation with Taro. After their conversation ends, Osana will walk to where Raibaru is hiding and talk to her about how her conversation with Taro went. After both conversations end, Osana and Raibaru will head to their lockers, change from their outdoor shoe to her indoor shoes and head to the Plaza to talk under a tree. At 8:00 AM, Raibaru walks to Classroom 2-1, sits at her desk and plays on her phone. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM.


Osana and Raibaru talking in the Plaza under the tree.

Raibaru leaves her classroom to eat her lunch on the Rooftop with Osana and Taro Yamada at 1:00 PM. The player is able to poison her bento while she is distracted observing Osana. At 1:30 PM, she walks back to class, sits at her desk and plays on her phone before afternoon classes start.

During cleaning time, Raibaru does not clean anything by herself, but will instead continue to follow Osana between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM. After school, she and Osana will walk back to the tree and continue talking. At 5:15 PM, she changes her shoes at her locker and leaves school with Osana and Taro.

It is worth noting that Raibaru is programmed to always follow Osana by default, not just by interacting with her in her routine, but by literally being at Osana's side at all times. In fact, if she is too far away from Osana, she will run to catch up to her, and can pathfind to Osana even if she is not in her usual location. She will follow Osana to wherever a note asks her to go, and to the east fountain for matchmaking (although she will stand a short distance away to allow space for Kyuji Konagawa). If the player is somehow able to kill Osana without changing Raibaru's routine, she will be able to pathfind to Osana's corpse if it is not disposed of.

If Ayano has accepted Budo Masuta's task and has not completed it, she will ask Raibaru to talk to him (which overrides the usual behavior of the interactions menu). When this happens, Raibaru will go to where the Martial Arts Club is training and talk to them for an entire period, thus leaving Osana alone.

If Raibaru has low enough reputation (at least -33), she will have a conversation with Osana telling her that she wants to leave her alone due to the rumors against her. Despite Osana's protests, she will ultimately accept and Raibaru will permanently leave Osana alone.

If Osana has died, gone missing, or is no longer friends with her, Raibaru will go to the tree in the plaza she usually hung out with Osana under and mourn. She will do this during lunchtime as well. During cleaning time, she changes her shoes and leaves school.

Depressed Raibaru

Raibaru mourning Osana.


On Monday, Osana and Raibaru will talk about what Osana prefers in boys when they first arrive at the tree. Raibaru will mention that Osana likes boys with tans, while Osana will mention that she likes guys with ponytails, glasses and piercings and that they have to be a cat person, although the person she likes isn't actually her type. When Osana has her conversation with her stalker at 7:30 AM, Raibaru will watch from a short distance away.


Raibaru listening to Osana's phone call.

After the call ends, Raibaru will ask her if everything is okay. To take her mind off of it, Raibaru will then lead Osana to check out each club.


Raibaru asking Osana about the drama club.

At lunchtime on Monday, Osana will take out her bentos for her and Taro in the classroom. Raibaru will reassure Osana that Taro will like her bento before they go to eat lunch with him.

After school on Monday, Raibaru and Osana will talk behind the vents on the rooftop about her stalker. Osana will tell Raibaru about the stalker and his attempt to blackmail her. Raibaru suggests Osana tell the police, but Osana tells her that's not an option. Raibaru then offers to beat up the stalker, but Osana doesn't want Raibaru involved, leaving her worried.

On Tuesday, when Osana reads the book in the plaza at lunchtime, Raibaru will walk around the fountain stretching.

On Thursday, when Osana is taking a nap after school on the rooftop, Raibaru will accompany her to make sure no one disturbs her. Raibaru will cycle between writing in a notebook while sitting next to Osana and getting up to stretch at various spots. As Osana invites Taro to go to a movie at 5:30 PM, Raibaru, Osana and Taro will leave school slightly later that day.

On Friday, Raibaru will accompany Osana to the Computer Lab in the morning to make her playlist for Taro.

Week 2[]

At 7:00 AM, Raibaru enters the school grounds. She walks to her locker and changes her shoes. She then heads to the rooftop and talks with Osana.

At 8:00 AM, Raibaru walks to Classroom 2-1, sits at her desk and plays on her phone. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM. At 1:00 PM, she leaves to eat her lucnh with Osana on the rooftop.

Raibaru walks back to class at 1:30 PM and participates in cleaning time between 3:43 PM and 4:00 PM. During cleaning time, Raibaru cleans the fountain in the plaza with Taro and Osana nearby. After cleaning time, she talks with Osana in the bottom left corner of the rooftop.

At 5:15 PM, she heads to her locker, changes her shoes and walks home with Osana and Taro.

If Osana is dead or missing, Raibaru will go to the rooftop where they usually talked and mourn her. She will do this during lunchtime as well. During cleaning time, she changes her shoes and leaves school.


Osana Najimi[]

Main article: Osana Najimi

Raibaru is overly close and protective of her best friend, Osana, with most of her daily routine revolving around following her friend around the school. Raibaru is, for all intents and purposes, Osana's personal bodyguard. Because of this, she is a great obstacle for Ayano should she wish to silently kill Osana. Strangely enough, she also stalks Osana's conversation with Taro Yamada to give advice. The two are very close despite having only met barely a year ago. During Osana's week, Raibaru encourages Osana, shows her friend the clubs, cheers the other up, gives tips about Taro and offers to help whenever she overhears that Osana is in trouble. But Raibaru will stop spending time with Osana and permanently end their friendship if Raibaru's reputation is -30 or less. She will also react negatively when Ayano gossips about Osana.

Raibaru has never had a close friend until she met Osana, and strongly believes that her friendship with Osana will last for the rest of their lives.[5]

In Mission Mode, Raibaru and Osana are not friends anymore because they had a fight. According to YandereDev, Raibaru probably made a remark about Taro that Osana interpreted as insensitive. She probably didn't even say anything that bad, but Osana overreacted because she was emotional about her childhood friend and crushes demise.[6][7]

Budo Masuta[]

Main article: Budo Masuta

Budo is Raibaru's former star disciple and the one who ended her winning streak. She allowed him to succeed her as president of the Martial Arts Club as a reward for defeating her.

They seem to be good friends, and Raibaru is eager to help him with operating the Martial Arts Club (Budo's task).

Taro Yamada[]

Main article: Taro Yamada

Taro thinks of her as a nice and friendly person, despite not spending much time with her. His happiness stems from the fact that Osana is happy to have Raibaru as her friend.[8]


This trivia section is too long.
You can help the Yandere Simulator Wiki by rewriting, or adding the information into the appropriate place.
  • Her first iteration was present in the game as Sumire Saito, next she became Victim-chan, later she was retooled into Rival-chan, and lastly, ultimately became an NPC. She is heavily based on Rival-chan and the many jokes surrounding her.
    • Her appearance is taken almost directly from Rival-chan.
    • Rival-chan and Raibaru both share the design of the Unity Asset character named Satomi Makise.
    • Her nickname as "The Indestructible Rival" is based on the "Indestructible Rival" video series on YandereDev's YouTube Channel. The video also stems from the concept that Rival-chan is literally indestructible, while Raibaru is also near-unkillable in the game.
    • Her backstory as Osana's best friend provides the reason for her extremely similar appearance to Osana. Rival-chan was also the original design for Osana.
  • Her birthday is July 15th.[9]
  • In his Q&A, YandereDev stated that she would probably try to prove Osana was innocent after she was expelled from Akademi. [10]
  • Her name "Raibaru" (ライバル) is the katakana for the word "rival", while her surname "Fumetsu" (不滅) translates to "indestructible" or "immortal" in Japanese. This is further emphasized by her self defense level, which is set to Invincible, making it impossible for Ayano to directly kill her with a weapon. This currently makes her the most powerful proper character to appear in the game so far.
    • Her name means literally Immortal Rival in Japanese.
  • In the YouTube video revealing her identity, YandereDev revealed that she can be defeated, which is a necessary step to eliminating Osana. However, he also stated that while he usually explains things in detail like how to defeat her, he will not tell the game's players how to defeat her and instead leave the game's players to find out for themselves in order to provide an actual challenge to players, as opposed to them immediately finding out how to defeat her and easily beating her.
    • One way is defeat her is to send a mindslave after her and stab her while the mindslave is attacking her, as detailed in one of Info-chan's schemes.
    • Another way is to poison her bento during Monday and Friday. If the player uses lethal poison, she will die. If the player uses emetic poison and follows her to the bathroom, the player can drown or electrocute her.
      • As of the December 14th, 2021 Build, the player can attack Raibaru without being counter-attacked if she has been poisoned.
    • The player can also ruin her reputation. If the player lowers her reputation too much, she will permanently stay away from Osana.
  • YandereDev has stated that the player may be able to befriend her.[3] However, there is currently no option to do so.
    • He is now interested in giving Raibaru a task to re-balance Osana's week to make it easier to eliminate the latter. He would also make it that Ayano could attack Raibaru easily without being counter-attacked. Since Raibaru is a sweet and naive girl who wouldn't suspect a friend to attack her.[2]
      • The task can be related about Osana, like buying a cat-themed gift in town for her.[2]
  • She is not the one who put the Mysterious Tapes around the school.[11]
  • She is currently the only student with the Protective Persona.
  • Her verbal response to seeing Osana's corpse was originally Senpai's.
  • If the player tries to have Info-chan send a text message to her to send her home, Info-chan would respond that she could not do so due to her phone always being on silent.
  • It is possible to talk with her like a normal student if Osana is killed or missing. She can be befriended and asked for favors like any other student.
    • As of the March 22nd, 2021 Build, Raibaru can be talked to at any time of the day, as long as she is not in an event. This is so that players can use the core mechanics of the game to eliminate Osana, rather than using scripted events.
  • It is possible to kill her via electrocution, poisoning and drowning. She is also technically able to be killed by burning and crushing (although doing so requires cheating or very specific circumstances). Additionally, since she can be talked to if Osana is killed, she can be killed in even more ways if this occurs. As with all NPCs, she is also able to be killed by Ayano via SNAP Mode.
  • As of the September 16th build, you can no longer make her remove the box cutter while she is talking to Osana.
  • Her reputation was once +100, but was lowered to +17 with the build from March 22.
  • YandereDev explained why Budo defeated her in his FAQ [1].
  • Victim-chan is an earlier version of her and Rival-chan.
  • As of the May 17th, 2022 build, Raibaru will have lunch during mission mode.
  • Since Raibaru left the Martial Arts Club, her two new hobbies would be Cooking and Art.[12]
  • During the First Week, Raibaru has the Protective persona, so she appreciates the compliment "You're protective!"
    • During the Second Week, if Osana is befriended or matchmade, Raibaru will have the Social Butterfly persona, so she will react positively to the compliment "You're friendly!"
    • During the Second Week, if Osana is killed, Raibaru will continue to have the Protective persona.
  • Raibaru never had a love interest in life yet.[13]
  • If the player kill Osana just a few steps away from Raibaru, (as long as it’s within 4 meters), Raibaru will deduce that the sound of a physical struggle in Osana’s direction is clearly the sound of Osana being murdered, and react accordingly.
  • In a situation where Raibaru's life is at risk, and she has to kill people in order to not die, she would be in third place in terms of being a lethal risk, followed by Budo Masuta, Osoro Shidesu, Itachi Zametora and Daisaku Aragaki.[14]
  • Raibaru will remain clubless for the entire game, but if she did ever join a club, she would join the Cooking Club, Light Music Club, Sports Club, or the Gardening Club.[15]
  • According to YandereDev, she is just as strong as Osoro Shidesu.[16]


