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The Police are law-enforcing NPCs in Yandere Simulator that respond to reports of crimes. They are members of the Buraza Police Bureau.[1]


In the teaser photos, the police have a custom face model, olive skin, and dark grey eyes and hair.

It was formerly possible to see the police in the game. When a student fled and called the police, the player would have to wait 20 to 40 seconds before they arrived. If Ayano held out her phone, pointed it at the entrance, and entered cinematic camera mode, the police would spawn in front of the entrance. They would walk in place and the police investigation music played, but the police cutscene would not appear until the player closed out of cinematic camera mode. While the police walked in place, the player could not move or progress through the day, leaving the game frozen until it was exited out of. As of the January 1st, 2016 Build, the police can no longer be seen walking by the gate.

As of the October 21st, 2018 Build, they will be shown in the end-of-day sequence instead of being only mentioned, doing as the dialogue suggests. The visuals will show that they use advanced technological devices to scan fingerprints.

In 1980s Mode, they are shown looking at a paper notepad with DNA and fingerprint results instead.


The closest police force to Akademi is the Buraza Police Bureau, which is tasked with protecting the inhabitants of Buraza Town. In order to understand the workings of the Buraza Police force in modern day, one must first understand their history.

In 1989, a mysterious string of murders and disappearances occurred at Akademi. The local police were unable to identify any suspects until an investigative journalist convinced them that one of the school's female students was the culprit. An arrest was made, and the schoolgirl went to court to face trial for her alleged crimes.

At the time of the trial, Akademi was a household name due to its international prestige. The nature of the trial - a schoolgirl accused of murdering multiple classmates to keep them out of a boy's love life - drew widespread media attention. As a result, the case was the most publicized criminal trial in Japanese history.

At the end of the trial, the schoolgirl was found innocent. The police force who performed the arrest were widely criticized for taking the journalist's claims seriously. The journalist and the local police force were the laughingstock of the country for weeks.

This event caused long-lasting changes in the policies of the Buraza Police Bureau. In order to avoid becoming the subject of national scrutiny ever again, they are now extremely reluctant to perform arrests without hard evidence, and dismiss individual eyewitness testimony unless it is backed up by at least 4 other individuals.

When performing an investigation, the Buraza Police Bureau is heavily reliant on recent technology invented by Saikou Corp. This new technology allows the police to perform a full forensic investigation of a crime scene within minutes, as opposed to hours or days. For example, this technology can identify all traces of DNA on a murder weapon, allowing the police to identify a murderer almost instantaneously. Within a time span of 6 hours, the police can perform absolutely every type of forensic test possible, with plenty of time left over to question all witnesses present; as a result, if the police can't solve the crime within 6 hours, it's deemed to be unsolvable, and the case is closed.

Rumors of bribes between Akademi High's headmaster and the superintendent of the Buraza Police Bureau are firmly denied.

— Description on official website.



The police timer.

In current builds, Police are shown during the end-of-day sequence. They are called after a Homicide has occurred or if any incriminating evidence has been found, such as a corpse, a dismembered limb, pools of blood, a bloody weapon, or a bloody uniform. If an Easter Egg is active, the Police will flee school upon seeing the protagonist. Certain people, depending on their personas, will call the police if a dead body is spotted.

  • If Loners, Cowards, Delinquents, or the Journalist witness a dead body, they will flee from the school and call the police.
  • Social Butterflies will call the police once they run to a safe area.
  • Phone Addicts will text the police a photo of the body. The player has a small amount of time before the police is called. Additionally, if the Phone Addict directly witnesses the protagonist killing the person, once they call the police it will result in an automatic Game Over.
  • If a member of faculty finds a corpse, they will call the police and guard the body. After the day has ended, the police will be called if teachers find a pool of blood, a bloody weapon or a corpse.
  • If a Student Council member finds a corpse, they will inform a teacher who will then call the police.
  • If the protagonist attends class or leaves school without disposing of the body, the body will be found by a faculty member and the police will immediately be summoned.

After the police are called, the player has 5 minutes to complete a checklist by removing all evidence.

  • Any puddles of blood, as well as footprints tracked by the protagonist must be cleaned up with a mop, even though the police will not automatically catch her if they find blood.
  • Bloody clothing must be removed and disposed of by any means, such as incinerator, sewer, or vat of acid in the Science Club. If the protagonist doesn't dispose of bloody clothing, the police will catch her using DNA evidence, resulting in an automatic Game Over.
  • Weapons must be disposed of. They can be destroyed like clothing or the player can also wash the weapon using a drinking fountain and put it back in its original location. If a bloody weapon is found, the police will catch the protagonist as the killer with fingerprinting, unless she was wearing gloves or she frames another student for the murder.
  • The corpse must be disposed of. It can be destroyed like the clothing and weapons. The body can also be concealed with a garbage bag so the protagonist can carry it without any suspicious. The police will not catch the protagonist if the body is not disposed of.
  • The sanity must be restored of. It can be restored by laughing and viewing a picture of Senpai. If the protagonist doesn't restore her sanity, the police will question the protagonist and take her into custody due to her behavior and resulting in an automatic Game Over.
  • If the player dismembered the victim with a circular saw, each individual body part must be disposed of. They can be hidden in a cello case if the player is in the Light Music Club and they can be disposed of in trash cans around the school.
  • Although not on the checklist, it helps the player to remove any witnesses. If there are more than 5 witnesses suspect the protagonist, she will be arrested.

In the future, there will be drums overlaying the current school day music to give a sense of urgency that the police are coming.[2]

Once the police timer hits 50 seconds, sirens will be audible and increase in volume until the police arrive at school.

If the protagonist frames a student by placing evidence on them or a delinquent by killing someone with their weapon, the police will arrest them.

The police only have technology that can detect biometric information on non-organic materials, such as weapons and clothing.[3]

Game Overs[]

Main article: Game Over

"Arrested" Game Over.

There are many ways to get arrested by the police in Yandere Simulator, such as:

The police timer runs out, all evidence but the gloves have been disposed of: The police cannot find a weapon or corpse, but the police can trace the gloves back to the protagonist, and she will be arrested.

The police timer runs out, a corpse is found, the weapon has been disposed of, but the gloves have not been disposed of: The gloves are traced back to the protagonist and she will be arrested.

The police timer runs out, and they only find a bloody weapon without fingerprints: The police see a murder weapon, but they do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest. They later leave.

The police timer runs out, and they find a corpse and a bloody weapon without fingerprints: The police see the corpse(s), but they are unable to find fingerprints on the weapon. They do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest, and they leave.

The police timer runs out, the protagonist has no sanity, but all other evidence is disposed of: The police questions the protagonist and take her into custody due to her behavior. She will eventually admit to her crimes.

The police timer runs out, the corpse(s) are still on the ground, but all other evidence is disposed of: The police see the corpses and question every student including the protagonist, but there is no evidence that she is connected to murder. She will not be taken into custody.

The police timer runs out, the corpse(s) are still on the ground, the protagonist's bloody uniform has been removed but not disposed of, but her murder weapon is disposed of: The police sees the corpses on the ground, and they find a uniform that has traces of the protagonist's DNA. She will be arrested.

The police timer runs out, the corpses and murder weapon have been disposed of, but the protagonist is covered in blood: The police cannot find any corpses or murder weapons, but see that the blood on the protagonist's uniform is not hers. She will be arrested.

The police timer runs out, a corpse is found, the murder weapon has not been disposed of, but the protagonist's bloody uniform has been disposed of: Everyone is forced to give their biological report, which the police will use to trace the murder weapon to the protagonist and arrest her.

The police timer runs out, a corpse is found, the protagonist has low sanity, is covered in blood, and still has her weapon: The police will see the corpses. They will find the protagonist's fingerprints on the weapon, overlook the uniform, low sanity, and arrest her.

The police timer runs out and all evidence has been destroyed: The police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest, and they leave.

The police arrive and find incriminating footage of the protagonist on a security camera: If they find no evidence of the protagonist committing homicide, they will check the security camera footage. Since they found incriminating footage of the protagonist, the police will then proceed to arrest her.

The police arrive, find nothing incriminating, and there are under 5 eyewitnesses of the protagonist committing murder: The police cannot perform an arrest due to a lack of hard evidence.

Coward students will never be witnesses. Spiteful students or delinquents will also follow that if whoever they saw killed is someone they hate.

There is also a variation in the text of simply 1 student witnesses her.


One witness comes forward to the police, but they refuse to arrest the protagonist with only one witness.

The police arrive, find nothing incriminating, but there are at least 5 eyewitnesses of the protagonist committing murder: The police will be unable to ignore the overwhelming claims of her committing murder and arrest her. Coward students will not report her.Spiteful students or delinquents will also follow that if they hate the student they witnessed the protagonist kill.

In the future, if at least 5 students students witnessed the protagonist carrying a weapon and being covered in blood around the time of the murder, the police will be able to arrest her without having hard evidence.[4]


  • There will never be any undercover cop students. YandereDev dislikes it.[5]
    • Saburo Meshino's profile description states that he is reported to be an undercover police officer, posing as a student, who is looking into Akademi. It is not officially confirmed yet if it's true or not.
  • There will be no more than 10 policemen in an environment at a time.[6]
  • If the game includes a small town instead of one street, policemen will actively patrol it.[7] This might mean that unusable police vehicles will be added too.
    • If there is not an open world, they will only ever appear at the end of day results sequence.[7]
  • If there is a suspected murder on Friday and the rival has still not been eliminated, the rival will meet up with Senpai after the police investigation is over under the Confession Tree.
  • There is a rumor stated in Mysterious Tape #2 that the headmaster bribes the police to keep them from investigating school deaths too much. The headmaster's motivations, should this event be true, is unknown.
  • If police officers start to die, the school would be shut down for the safety of the students.[8]
  • The police officers appeared as hazard for the Trap Time in Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, who appears in the Akademi Assault map in the Yandere Simulator DLC before its removal from the Steam storefront on September 27th, 2023.
  • If an easter egg is used, they'll get scared and run for their lives.
  • The police investigate the Info Club during police investigations, however, they see the room being half the size of the other clubrooms and they cannot find anything in the cardboard boxes. They think it is a storage closet and leave. This is because Info-chan erects a wall horizontally before the police come, dividing the room with one side containing incriminating evidence, and the other looking like an empty closet.[9]
  • As of July 1st 2024 Build, when the countdown strikes 50 seconds, police sirens will start to be heard.
  • The trial that revolved around Ryoba Aishi as the defendant, and the journalist as the plaintiff set legal precedents on how much evidence is needed to convict someone of murder. As a result, it often gets mentioned or referenced in pop culture or legal settings.[10]



