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Meeting Room Gallery

The Meeting Room is an area inside Akademi. As the name implies, this room is used for meetings. As of now, the only people who meet in this room are the club leaders and the Student Council.


The meeting room is located on the first floor of the eastern wing. It has an oak floor and gray walls, as well as two windows. There are several desks and blue chairs arranged, with some bookshelves, closets, and boards.


In 202X Kuroko Kamenaga patrols this room. In 1989, Reiichi Tanaami patrols this room. They patrol the area at 7:09 AM, 7:48 AM, 1:05 PM, and 3:40 PM.

Meeting Room club leaders

As of the September 7th, 2018 Build, in the 202X version of the game, the club leaders and the Student Council members will meet up in the Meeting Room on Fridays. The meetings will commence at 3:30 PM and end at 4:40 PM. The only absent club leader is Gema Taku, however, he will spy on them at the side of the door. He doesn't attend the meeting because the Gaming Club isn't an official club.

Meeting Room club leaders 1980's

In 1980's mode, the club leaders, excluding the Student Council, will meet up in the Meeting Room on Fridays. The meetings will commence at 3:30 PM and end at 4:00 PM. The only absent club leader is Shinako Bunzai, however, she will spy on them at the side of the door. She doesn't attend the meeting because she's too shy to attend.[1]


The club leaders that participate in the meetings are:


Student Council


Student Council


  • The meeting room was implemented on the November 15th, 2015 Build and fully furnished on the December 24th, 2017 Build.
  • YandereDev thinks that the meetings would primarily be about club budgets.[2]
  • The single chair on the left is for Megami Saikou.[3]
  • Gema Taku is seen not seen participating, stalking the meeting in 202X Mode because his club isn't a real club according to faculty members.
  • Tsuruzo Yamazaki is the first person to enter this room, and his reaction is loud and melodramatic.[4]


Kuroko: We have a budget of $1,000 for clubs this month. Because there are 10 clubs, we propose distributing $100 to each club. Are there any objections?
Kaga: While your proposal may be mathematically sound, you're forgetting that different clubs have different needs. The Science Club, for example, needs $200 to rebuild the flux capacitor that was damaged by the explosion of the temporal field capacitor last week.
Kuroko: ...the science club requires an extra $100 to replace broken equipment. Would the remaining clubs object to receiving $89 each instead of $100, so that a surplus of $100 is created for the Science Club?
Kizana: That's not fair! If he gets $200, I want $200, too! The Drama Club needs it for...costumes!
Oka: B-but yesterday, y-you said you had all the costumes you needed...
Kizana: Silence!
Amai: If I may interject for a moment...the Cooking Club doesn't require much of a budget this month. We can cook using refrigerated foods instead of perishables this month. Just $20, and we'd be set.
Kuroko: That's $80 towards the $100 we need for the Science Club. We'll need $20 more.
Budo: We were planning to use $20 of our budget to replace some tatami mats in our club, but it's not important; it can wait until next month.
Kuroko: Then, we've determined how to get an extra $100 for the Science Club; we'll subtract $80 from the Cooking Club's budget and $20 from the Martial Arts Club's budget.
Kizana: AHEM. There is still the matter of how to raise an extra $100 for me - I mean, us, the Drama Club.
Aoi: Name every costume you need to purchase.
Kizana: W-well...we'll need a...for the upcoming play, what we're missing is...um...
Aoi: Obviously, the only reason you asked for $100 is because you -
Akane: - simply forgot that you already have all the costumes you need. Isn't that right, dear?
Kizana: Y...yes. That's right. A simple mistake.
Kuroko: Very well. If there are no other special requests regarding club budgets, we'll move on to the next topic. Budo, an anonymous noise complaint was submitted regarding loud voices coming from your club. It has been requested that you keep shouting to a minimum.
Budo: Gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that we were disturbing the others. You have my deepest apologies; it won't happen again.
Kizana: It had better not! I can barely hear myself think over the sound of your yelling!
Miyuji: ...so much for the 'anonymous' complaint...

— The club meeting.[2]

