Yandere Simulator Wiki


Yandere Simulator Wiki
Yandere Simulator Wiki

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	'SonrisitasPF': ['former-intern'],
	'Ironslab': ['former-intern'],
	'Nightmaric Pixels': ['former-intern', 'hc-member', 'vc-member'],
	'Queen of Idiots': ['former-intern', 'vc-member'],
	'AwesomeEvan61': ['former-intern', 'vc-member'],
	'Batison': ['former-intern'],
	'MeGUMMYsaikoBEAR': ['former-intern'],
	'EchoPrince': ['former-intern'],
	'Erin Hideko': ['former-intern'],
	'Ekoa Daiki': ['former-intern'],
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        'Littleslinky': 'Head Helper',
        'Placeholder': 'Intern',

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    boardDescription: 'Got a question about the wiki, or the topic? Ask your questions here!'
  { boardName: 'bug-reports',
    boardDescription: "Found a bug and don't want to annoy YandereDev? Maybe we can help."
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    boardDescription: "Discuss the latest update and future updates."
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  { boardName: 'applications',
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