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Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki is a popular anime franchise that exists in Yandere Simulator's setting. It has five cameos in the game: in posters, mangas, animes, an augmented reality game and in a video console game. There is also a Miyuki easter egg.

Augmented Reality Game[]


There are virtual monsters that spawn everywhere in Akademi. Only one monster will appear at a time in a certain location. The members of the Gaming Club are addicted to this game. To prevent said members from spotting a potential murder alongside the monster, Ayano Aishi has to destroy the monster and let it spawn elsewhere. Miyuki will always point in the direction of the monster.


Click/hold Shift to activate and F to shoot.

MGPM gameplay

Video Console Game[]

Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki is the second video game that can be played on Ayano Aishi's game console.


There are three parts in the game: on the left and right are Miyuki illustrations. In the center, the player controls Miyuki and shoots monsters. She only has 3 lives, so a game over will occur if the player is attacked three times. The game also has a harder mode. If you go to the menu of the game and press H, the background will become dark red, the logo will become cracked, the music will become distorted, the water will be dark red, and the Miyuki sprites in the background's eyes will become pitch black with streams of blood coming out.


  • Movement: Arrow keys
  • Slower movement: Hold left shift key
  • Shoot: Z
  • Back: Q
  • Movement: D-pad, left control stick, or right control stick
  • Slower movement: Hold LB
  • Shoot: A
  • Back: B


  • Sprite artwork: Moenette Kyra
  • Miyuki's design: Guillermo Varela Iglesias
  • Miyuki's artwork: Mulberry
  • Music: Ixbal, Cleveland Rock, and Alex Falkenberg
  • Miyuki's voice: Lizzy Hofe
  • Programming: YandereDev


According to Yaku Zaishi's words in his conversations with Horo Guramu, the show's main antagonists are invisible monsters that feed off of negative emotions. If these monsters grow powerful enough, they can influence human behavior, which results in crimes such as murder or stealing. The show is also about magical girls who can see and fight the monsters. Their power depends on how many admirers they have, so they are usually pop idols. Their power gets weaker when they're far away from their fans, so the magical girls of each country usually stay in the area. If they stopped being popular, then they would lose their power, so they have to maintain their public celebrity life alongside their secret magical girl life.

According to YandereDev, he imagines the show being like Neon Genesis Evangelion. It starts out as a typical show with all the usual tropes, and then things start to get weird. The characters go through extremely traumatic experiences, there are weird artsy segments where the characters are talking to themselves inside their own minds. Every character has a disturbing past, people start dying/losing body parts/ending up comatose, everything gets worse and worse, every single character is miserable and suffering in different ways, and then at the end everyone turns into liquid.

The director gets death threats for the way he ended the show, but the series was so popular that he gets to make a full-length film that serves as an alternate ending to the TV show, and with an insanely huge budget, the production team creates some of the most impressive animated sequences in cinema history, but then at the end of the film everyone turns into liquid again, and the director laughs at everyone from atop his throne of millions of dollars, because he's a greedy, sadistic madman and his favorite hobby is torturing the fans of his work by killing off their beloved characters in horrific ways.[1]

YandereDev also stated that magical girl's power is directly proportionate to how many people love/admire them; but if being popular is what triggers the powers to activate, then every female celebrity on earth would be a secret magical girl. So, instead, he thinks that it's something that only triggers for some people who have "The Potential", and there might be some entity that travels around the earth, finding girls with The Potential and then activating their powers. This entity might make itself known, or it might be completely invisible and it might never communicate with the girls. So, from the girls' perspective, they suddenly obtained powers one day from no source, even though the source itself is intelligent and deliberately choosing who gets the powers.[2]


As presumed, the protagonist is a girl named Miyuki. Unlike the other magical girls, she is not a celebrity, but rather a popular girl in her school. The show is about Miyuki's struggle to cut it as a magical girl even though she is relatively weak, and none of the other magical girls respect her. Miyuki is not power-hungry, but in order to keep the world safe, she strives to become more powerful, so each episode would have her "branching out" into a new field (singing, acting, modeling, vlogging) in order to gain more fans.[3] According to Mulberry, Miyuki's personality is assumed deredere and happy magical protagonist.[4]

Yandere simulator q chibi girls by qvajangel-dbb6beg

Possible characters from the anime.

Magical girl figurines d by kawaiisugarrose-dc68bna

More possible characters from the anime.

Most of the time, Miyuki is on her own, and sometimes she has more rivals than allies. The outfits of some of the magical girls look more like sentai characters, because they grew up watching Super Sentai shows instead of magical girl anime shows, or like an ecchi characters because they previously idolized a superheroine from an ecchi anime. Instead of each episode being about defeating a new monster, each episode might revolve around a specific magical girl with a one-time appearance. Sometimes, a magical girl would be a real "villain" of an episode. Some magical girls want to work together to defeat evil, but others want to reach the "top of the food chain" and create scandals.[3]

One of the main characters is a swimsuit model who has millions of fans because she very voluptuous. However, the girl's power as a magical girl comes from how many people love her and genuinely admire her, not just how many people are attracted to her.[3]

The most powerful magical girl is a multi-lingual vlogger with millions of subscribers since she has fans throughout the world and can communicate with most of them efficiently. Most magical girls are limited to fighting only in their country of origin, but the vlogger can fight anywhere on earth as she will always be in range of her fans, no matter where she goes.[3]

Easter Egg[]

The easter egg for Miyuki was implemented on the October 31st, 2018 build. To activate this easter egg, the player has to follow the instructions below:

Enable debug commands by typing "debug" on the keyboard. Then, control Ayano Aishi into picking up the Magical Girl Wand In the Drama Club, type "love and justice," type the C key to crouch and again to stand up, control Ayano into picking up the wand again, and type E.

After the easter egg is activated, Ayano will transform into Miyuki and she will be able to attack students when she is holding the Magical Girl wand by clicking the left CTRL button.

YandereDev planned before that the player had to control Ayano into collecting 10 manga volumes to activate this easter egg.


  • The title in the icon of the game and the posters, 魔法少女 (maho shoujo), means "magical girl" and みゆき is "Miyuki" in hiragana.
  • "Miyuki" in kanji means "deep snow" (深 mi means deep, and 雪 yuki means snow). It can also mean ”beautiful happiness” (美 mi means beautiful, and 幸 yuki means happiness).
  • The 5 figures, made by Qvajangel, was named by him, as Telaina (Green), Mermia (Blue, originally Blue-Green[5]), Aria (Yellow), and Flaria (Red). He also confirmed the last to be tsundere.[6]
  • The 14 figures, made by Kawaiisugarrose, was named by Masky, with Pink (Miyuki), Yellow ("Aria"), Evil1 (reference to Yui Rio), Long-side-tail, Sassy, Teasugar, Cute-Night, Heart-ahoge, Space-Buns, Blue ("Mermia"), Green ("Telaina"), Red ("Flaria"), and Slot-Girl.[7]
    • For unknown reasons, only the one with blonde ponytail, and cyan outfit haven't been named by him.
  • YandereDev thought that perhaps that every girl in Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki could be named after a form that water can take, like Miyuki ("yuki" is "snow"), Mizuko ("mizu" is "water"), Kasumi (means "mist"), and Nami (means "wave"). Their names should also be authentic Japanese names and not western fantasy names.[2]
  • The name, "Miyuki," along with the name "Sadako", was used by YandereDev in a parody of a popular Christmas song on December 26, 2014, as names for the hypothetical rivals.
  • Miyuki's wand can be found in Drama Club room. This is due to last year; the members of the Drama Club adapted the plot of anime to a stageplay, and performed the play in the school gym. Unfortunately, the Miyuki costume is gone, but the wand is still in the clubroom.[8]
  • Probably about 25% (22-23 students) of the school's population are fans of Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki.[8]
  • Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki is mentioned in five conversations between Yaku Zaishi and Horo Guramu.
    • Additionally, Yaku has been watching the show since it first started airing. While Horo started watching it when Yaku told him about it during Week 1 of 202X mode.
  • The video console game is similar to the Super Famicom game, Hong Kong 97.
  • Figurines of the possible other characters can be found outside the Gaming Club.
  • Ayano Aishi's transformation easter egg into Miyuki could be based on the Heather Princess Heart transformation from Silent Hill 3.
  • When you press the H key at the title screen of the game, the screen colors shift to red and black, and "Hard Mode" will begin.[9]
  • In the Stalker's House, on Sutemi's bed is discovered to be a Miyuki body pillow in a lewd position and expression.
    • He is also shown to have a wall full of Miyuki posters, as he is seen hugging them and saying some inappropriate dialogue related to it.
    • In his illustration, he also holds a Miyuki plushie.



