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Kokoro Momoiro Gallery Illustrations Quotes

Kokoro Momoiro is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi.


Kokoro has blonde hair tied into an upper back-length high ponytail and light pink bangs that curl down the sides of her head. She has caramel brown eyes and pinkish-themed makeup. She has tanned skin and her bust size is 1.2.

She wears the default school uniform with a heart-shaped bow with a blue ribbon and two flower clips on top of her head, light pink, bright pink nail polish, magenta and light blue scrunchies on both wrists, a pink book bag with decorations on her left shoulder, a bright pink jacket tied around her waist and white loose socks unless customized by the player, but she always wears a shorter skirt. Her phone case is glittery hot pink with pearls and a large white heart, and a heart phone charm hangs off the bottom. When sunbathing at lunchtime, she wears a pink bikini.

Her presenting color is pink.


Kokoro in her natural appearance, wearing the school's swimsuit.

If every bully other than her is dead or missing, Kokoro will remove her tan and re-dye her hair to its natural chestnut brown. She will remove her hair accessories and wear a thin, muted maroon headband with white thread. She will undo her ponytail, letting her hair fall loose to her upper back, and wear simple pink eyeshadow instead of flashy gyaru makeup. She will remove her book bag, scrunchies and phone charm, and replace her phone case with a simple light yellow case. She will also wear her skirt at its normal length. In addition, a picture of her panties will only be worth 5 Info points instead of 10. She will keep her loose socks. Instead of the bikini she wears when sunbathing, she will wear the regular school swimsuit.

Her pretty brown eyes have always been one of her biggest charm points. She has worn a flower hair clip since long before becoming a gyaru.[4]


Kokoro Momoiro was a victim of severe merciless bullying at her last school, and has resolved to never be a victim again. Upon arriving at Akademi, she immediately sought out the 'bullies' of the school and desperately tried to get into their good graces for the purpose of making them see her as an ally, and not as a potential target. The firsthand knowledge of what it feels like to be bullied is still fresh in her mind, and she has absolutely no desire to abuse others, but she does it anyway...because she knows that she has to keep up the facade of being a bully in order to avoid being targeted by Musume and her friends. She has become what she hates, which has caused her to loathe herself deeply, but she would still rather hate herself than return to being harmed by others.

— Description on Official Website.

Spends most of her time taking selfies with her phone.
She says that she's opposing bullying, but most of her friends are known for mistreating others.
She never admonishes her friends for their cruel behavior.

— Description from Info-chan.

Spends most of her time taking selfies with her phone.
Pretends to oppose bullying, but in private, she harasses the people she dislikes.
Secretly, her favorite activity is shaming and ridiculing other people.

— Previous description from Info-chan.
Kokoro Posing

Kokoro striking a cute pose.

Among the Personas that are currently implemented in the game, Kokoro is a Phone Addict. She will happily pose for a picture if Ayano Aishi aims her Phone at her. If she sees a corpse or witnesses a murder, she will take a picture with her phone and text it to the Police while running out of school.

She is one of the bullies, meaning that she will talk behind people's backs and bully those with the lowest reputation and write abusive words on their desks. If Ayano has a high reputation, she will smile when talked to. However, if Ayano has a regular or low reputation, she will frown. If the other bullies are dead or missing, she will take on the friendly idle animation for a Phone Addict, which is smiling at Ayano while still looking at her phone.

Kokoro was previously a victim of serious bullying at another school. After transferring to Akademi, she quickly started dressing like the other bullies to win their favor. She uses bullying as a form of protection so she will never become a victim again, but hates herself for abusing other people.[5] The Death Demon's ritual confirms this, as she joined the bullies to avoid being their next target.

According to Mulberry's post about her original appearance, Kokoro is similar in nature to Kuroko Kamenaga - strict upbringing, traditional family - but she had more freedom to express herself.

If Kokoro never met Musume or formed a group with her, she would be clubless, but attempt to be a Social Butterfly.[6]



Kokoro on her phone.

At 7:10 AM, Kokoro enters the school grounds with the other bullies. She walks to her locker at 7:15 AM and changes from her indoor shoes to her outdoor shoes. At 7:20 AM, she patrols the third floor. If a student is being bullied, she will first go to that student's desk and write hateful messages on it. Afterwards, she will continue with her normal morning routine.

At 8:00 AM, Kokoro walks into Classroom 1-2 and sits at her desk. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM, and heads to the Swimming Pool to sunbathe with her friends at 1:00 PM. If a student is being bullied, Kokoro will first go to that student's class to laugh at them after Musume Ronshaku claps blackboards erasers on their head. If the pool is closed, she and the other bullies will eat lunch instead. Then, she changes back into her school uniform and walks back to class again at 1:30 PM.

Between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM she will gossip in the third floor girl's bathroom with Hana Daidaiyama, Hoshiko Mizudori, Kashiko Murasaki and Musume Ronshaku instead of participating in Cleaning Time. Once Cleaning Time is over, Kokoro will patrol the third floor until the end of the day.

If Gema Taku's task is completed, Kokoro and the rest of the bullies will gaze at him from outside the Gaming Club during lunch time instead of sunbathing.

If the other bullies are dead or missing, she will go to the third floor bathroom near Classroom 3-1 and stay there until 8:00 AM. She will then go to class and and play on her phone until lessons start. At lunchtime, she will sunbathe at the pool until 1:22 PM. After afternoon classes end, she will remain in the third floor bathroom until the end of the day,


The Conversational Topics Kokoro has opinions on are as follows:

Positive Negative
  • Memes
  • Justice
  • Socializing
  • Nature
  • Money
  • Violence
  • Gossip
  • Solitude
  • School
  • Family



Kokoro's family opposes her fashion choices, and the reason as to why she picked it. Their main reason for this is because they don't understand how Kokoro was worried about being bullied by a bad crowd, but purposefully joined a bad crowd.[7]

Horuda Puresu[]

Main article: Horuda Puresu

Kokoro feels the most empathy towards Horuda.[7]


  • Kokoro was implemented in the February 2nd, 2018 Build.
  • Kokoro's design seems to be heavily inspired by Ganguro Girls, a subculture in Japan that was popular during the 90s.
  • Her name means pink heart (桃色心) in Japanese. Her first name "Kokoro" means heart as in the seat of emotions, and "Momoiro" literally means peach-colored and is the traditional word for the color pink.
  • Kokoro is one of the seventeen students who will change their appearance after an event; the others being Osana Najimi, Kyuji Konagawa, Gema Taku, Miyuji Shan, Tadaaki Sunada, Yahiko Onoda, Banri Masayuki, Bunzo Ohta, Etsuji Odaka, Eiichi Asari, Hachiro Iso, Hozumi Takeda, Kagemori Takagi, Okimoto Furukawa, Seiyo Akanishi and Shoku Tsuburaya.
    • If every bully except Kokoro is dead or missing, she will change her appearance. This is because she knew that she had to keep up the façade of a bully in order to avoid being targeted by Musume and her friends when they were still alive.[5]
      • This was implemented in the December 22nd, 2020 Build.
      • The reason she does not leave them is because she is too afraid of her friends to do that.[8]
  • She was in Class 2-1 till January 24th 2019, when she was moved to Class 1-2.
  • Previously, when all of the bullies were killed, her animations would be annoyed when Ayano talked to her, regardless of the latter's reputation.
  • Her favourite music genre included k-pop and icons of the early gyaru culture. She also enjoys club music or any song with high energy beats.[9]
    • She also enjoys listening to classical music, like Taro Yamada and Kuroko Kamenaga. This is because she is too embarrassed to tell her taste to her other friends, since they would ridicule and make fun of her.[9]
  • Kokoro doesn't view Borupen Saishiki as someone cringy to bully, but someone to avoid. This is because she thinks that Borupen is the type of person who would fight back against the bullying and craft some revenge against his tormentors.[10]

