Kiyoko Tatsuhara is a character that may or may not appear in the 10th week in Yandere Simulator.
Kiyoko has messy, waist-length blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes. Her right eye is red and her left eye is blue.
She wears a yellow dress shirt, a black jacket with gold buttons and a blue and red belt with a gold buckle. Her dress pants and shoes are both black. She also wears a blue and red tie with a gold clip that matches her belt. Her hands are covered by yellow and black fingerless MMA fighter gloves. She has an ID card clipped to the front of her jacket like a badge.
Several years ago, Kiyoko Tatsuhara was a student at Akademi. Because of her strong sense of justice - and her tall, muscular build - the Student Council President identified her as a perfect candidate for the role of "Enforcer" on the Student Council. She eagerly accepted the position, and for the next three years, Kiyoko worked tirelessly to make Akademi a safe and peaceful place.
Although the primary purpose of Akademi is to be an educational institution, it also serves a secondary purpose for the organization that funds it - Saikou Corp. The premise of "an elite school for gifted young prodigies" provides Saikou Corp with a convenient way to gather talented people in one location where they can be observed and judged. If Saikou Corp determines that a student has exceptional skills and would be an indispensable employee, they are invited to join the company immediately after graduation. Many young men and women with genius-level intellect have been recruited into Saikou Corp this way.
However, intelligence is not the only metric that a student is judged by. Kiyoko's grades were lower than most, but her personal values, physical stature, and years of experience keeping Akademi safe made her a prime candidate to become a security guard at Saikou Corp.
Saisho Saikou put a lot of time, money, and effort into shaping his children and grandchildren into exactly the type of people he wanted them to be, and did not wish to see his hard work destroyed due to a family member suffering a premature death. He developed a solution that was cruel, yet effective; he forced his grandchildren - Megami and Kencho - to live under very abnormal circumstances: once a day, they would experience a fake "assassination attempt." On a daily basis, a random Saikou employee - sometimes a janitor, sometimes a chairman - would be given the task of "stabbing" Megami or Kencho with a fake knife. If the "assassin" could succeed, they would be awarded with the equivalent of one million USD. These circumstances gradually trained the two children to suspect deception and betrayal from everyone they encountered. Over the years, Kencho has "died" ten times. Megami has never "died" once.
After Kiyoko graduated from Akademi, Saikou Corp immediately attempted to recruit her, and invited her to visit their corporate headquarters to have a tour of the building that she would potentially be working in. During this tour, Kiyoko witnessed a young Megami being approached by a janitor holding a "knife." Immediately, Kiyoko leapt into action and subdued the janitor, breaking several of his bones in the process.
Saikou Corp's Chief Security Officer immediately decided that Kiyoko should not become a security guard working for Saikou Corp; instead, he suggested that Kiyoko should become one of Megami's personal bodyguards.
Kiyoko accepted the offer, and - after a period of "Close Protection Training" - became a member of Megami's security detail. Over the next few years, her work ethic impressed Megami numerous times, which eventually earned her a prestigious honor: Megami decided that Kiyoko should be promoted from being a mere bodyguard to being the leader of her entire security detail.
As of now, in 202X, Kiyoko is in charge of every critical task related to protecting Megami's life: planning and coordination, risk assessment, team management, monitoring and surveillance, protocol enforcement, and anything else that she deems necessary to keep the heiress' life safe.
Megami has always insisted that neither Kiyoko nor any of her bodyguards should be present at Akademi; she would not want a team of bodyguards to disrupt the school atmosphere. She currently has no plans to permit Kiyoko anywhere near Akademi...
...however, plans can always change.
Who is she?
When will she appear?
What role will she play?
Where will the player encounter her?
Only time will tell...
According to YandereDev, Kiyoko will most likely be hot-blooded. She will be burning with passion at all times, and be the physical embodiment of guts and determination. She will usually be striking poses and giving speeches about how any problem can be solved through force of sheer willpower, or ranting about how nothing is more powerful than the human spirit. Her ultimate dream would be a world free of evil, and she joined the Student Council to "stop evildoers," "protect the weak," and "deliver justice." She also never seems to run out of energy; she would have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, and can't do anything without making a show of it, even if she's doing something as simple as cooking breakfast.
If she saw two students fighting, she would jump between them and launch into a speech about how they shouldn't be fighting because humanity's greatest strength is the ability to forge bonds of friendship that make all hard challenges possible. Even after the two students walk away, she would still be there, giving her speech, caught up in her latest rant about justice and crushing evil, completely unaware that everybody else has already left.
There would be rumors that sometimes she goes to the beach and practices posing like Sentai heroes from Japanese TV shows, silhouetted against the setting sun. Actually, this wouldn't just be a rumor, because Musume Ronshaku saw her doing it, took a picture of her, and shared it with everyone online. Kiyoko wouldn't be ashamed, though, because "The burning passion and determination in her heart is nothing to be ashamed of!"
The only thing she enjoys talking about - aside from justice, the human spirit, creating a world free of evil - is Sentai. It's extremely clear that she actually thinks she can become one of those characters in real life if she tries hard enough.[1]
Although she is not in the game, YandereDev has stated that Kiyoko will patrol the classrooms,[2] similar to the other Student Council members.
- She would represent the Yellow Dragon.[3] The Japanese word for "Yellow" is (黄: Ki), so her name is Kiyoko, and the Old Japanese word for "Dragon" is (竜: Tatsu), so her surname is Tatsuhara.
- Her name (spelled きよこ or キヨコ) is a Japanese name with multiple meanings and Kanji writing. Ultimately boiling down to a pure, virtuous child.[4]
- Her last name has many Kanji variations and meanings (spelled 辰原, 龍原, 辰野, 立原, 竜原, 達原, 田津原, 田鶴原). All of the last names have a variation of both meanings, being "dragon, imperial, mythical creature" and "origin, source, foundation"[5]
- She would possibly be the "Public Relations Director".[6]
- Her favorite food would be kale/cabbage/spinach/asparagus, because at some point when she was a child, her parents cooked something with it, something that kids don't usually like to eat. She was refusing to eat it, and then one of her parents said, "You know, I bet all of those Sentai heroes eat lots of spinach. If you eat spinach, you'll grow up to be like them." Then she devoured everything on her plate and asked for seconds, and ever since then, she has eaten as much of that type of food as possible.[2]
- Her parents would probably be nothing like her.[2]
- There is a rumor that she has a sibling that attends Akademi, but the two of them refuse to interact with each other.[7]
- She was originally going to be a 5th Student Council member, but the idea seems to have been scrapped at the time her full body artwork by Mulberry has posted.
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