Kencho Saikou is the younger brother of Megami Saikou and son of Ichirou Saikou. He currently attends a junior high school.
Kencho has fair skin, silver eyes, and short, silver hair with a long, pointed strand in the middle of his forehead, similar to all the other members of the Saikou family.
He wears a black and grey vest over a long-sleeved blue undershirt, as well as a black tie with red stitching. He wears dark black dress shoes with red laces. He has a silver watch with red accents on his right wrist. He looks almost identical to his father as he wants to try and gain his favor.[2]
Kencho is fully aware that he was conceived with the sole purpose of being a 'backup' in case his sister ever dies or abandons her obligations towards her family. This fact was never hidden from him. As a result, his self-identity is based entirely on his relationship to Megami, and his sense of self-worth is derived by comparing himself to her. He is not content to exist as a 'backup', and strives to surpass his sister. However, his sister can outperform him in absolutely every way, which has caused him to develop an extreme inferiority complex.
Kencho's father is aware that his son's rivalry towards his daughter is a potential problem, and so Kencho has been forbidden from attempting to interfere with Megami's life in any way. Kencho desires his father's approval more than anything else, and so he has never meddled in Megami's life, not even once - but every day, he hopes that a terrible misfortune will befall her so that his life can have a purpose.
Kencho and Megami do not interact often, but when they do, Kencho is very discouraging and condescending toward his sister in an attempt to mask how she makes him feel. He is aware that his father wanted his firstborn to be a son rather than a daughter; this is his only 'advantage' over Megami, and he gloats about it at every chance he gets. His childish behavior rarely has an effect on Megami, but on rare occasions, his words can cut her deep.
Most Saikou family members strive to be as honorable, respectable, and dignified as possible, but Kencho is unlike the rest of his clan. Because he desperately wants to escape his feelings of inferiority and pursue the sensation of superiority, he takes every opportunity to flaunt his wealth and social status over anyone that he considers to be 'beneath' him.
Kencho is smug, cocky and enjoys making others around him feel inferior.[3] Unlike the other members of his family, he is casual and occasionally quite snide.[4]
He holds classist views that are from his family, who instruct him not to reveal it to the public. However, Kencho is not very good at hiding these views a secret from others.[5]
- His name means "remarkable the best" in Japanese. Kencho (顕著) means "remarkable", and Saikou (最高) means "the best".
- As of the October 17th, 2019 build, he has made his first appearance in game on a boat in Buraza Town. The player can see him by using the binoculars, though it might be difficult to spot.
- If Megami Saikou dies, he would be the one to inherit Saikou Corp. It's likely that he wouldn't also feel sad for Megami's death since he doesn't seem to care about his sister.
- If he met Megami's childhood friend, he would tell them to act like the member of high society that they are.[6]
- His father has tested him, and his sister to turn $1,000,000 into $2,000,000 within a month. Kencho would accept it, and turn it into $2,000,000 by doing something unethical; he would find a company that treats customers like family, and buy 51% of the company's shares to gain control over it. Then, he would threaten the owner to shut the company down, unless the owner agrees to buy back his shares at twice the original prince, which would double Kencho's money from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.[7]
- He would expect people to flirt with him.[8]
- He'd carry his grandfather's beliefs about eugenics, and would want to be in an arranged marriage with a woman whose genes are as "perfect" as possible.[9]
- If Kencho was hugged by a stranger, he would ask the person how they got pass the bodyguards, followed by a judo-throw. The same cannot be said if the stranger was replaced for a "cute girl", in which Kencho would be less surprised about it.[10]
- His main role in the game is to provide a piece of lore for Saikou Corp.[11]
How did you get past the bodyguards?!
Ichirou: The design tech department has hired the prototype for the next-gen processor... it will go into testing next month.
How was school?
(Megami understands that the question is not really one of news. "What accomplishments have you achieved at school lately that will help you run Saikou Corp later in life?" Her father would answer accordingly.)
Megami: I noticed that most of the Friday meetings have been running late. I restructured the agenda to eliminate redundancy, and we finished on time today.
Kencho: (Smirking, leaning back, twirling his fork in his fingers.) Sounds thrilling. (Sarcasm drips from every syllable.)
Megami: ...and you, Kencho? Aren't you going to tell them?
Kencho: ...tell them what?
Megami: About that test.
Kencho: did you...?
Ichirou: (Raises an eyebrow) What test?
Kencho: (Sigh)'s nothing.
Tsuma: It doesn't sound like it’s nothing. Something you want to come clean about?
Kencho: (After tapping his finger on the table, a few times in frustration) ...I scored 99 points on a test.
Ichirou: (Lifts his head, actually making eye contact with Kencho for the first time that day.) Oh? What did the remaining 1 point off?
Kencho: I didn’t get it wrong. My answer was right...I just...misread the question. So, I was writing down the right answer for the wrong question.
Ichirou: ...If one of my employees tried to justify his failures with an excuse like that, he’d be fired on the spot.
Kencho: (Hunches, but doesn’t argue back.)
Ichirou: ...Well, Do better next time.
(The family continues eating, with Kencho staring daggers at Megami, wondering she possibly knew the results of a test from earlier that day.)
After dinner...
Kencho: Heh.
Megami: Hm? Something on your mind?
Kencho: You must REALLY feel threatened by me.
Megami: And why do you say that?
Kencho: You're sooooo worried that if I surpass you one day that you actually spy on my school performance. How insecure. Pretty lame, sis.
Megami: The only reason I know that you scored a 99 is because your classmates overheard you trying to bribe the teacher to change your score to a 100, and started gossiping about it online. Saikou Corp's PR department has already deleted all messages about it from social media... but not before a bunch of people tagged me, begging me to react to your indiscretion.
Kencho: ...
Megami: ...
Kencho:, the PR department goes through all that trouble to keep it under wraps, and then you just blab it to mom and dad at the dinner table. Do you get some sort of sick pleasure from humiliating me in front of them? Huh?
Megami: I wasn’t planning on saying a word about it. But then, you had to go and make a snide remark at dinnertime. That's when I suddenly decided that I believe strongly in accountability.
Kencho: (Scoffs) Good to know my words get under your skin that much. Like I said before: Insecure.
Megami: If you act like a child, you'll never be treated as an equal. It’s as simple as that.
(Megami turns and leaves, leaving Kencho frustrated with the way that Megami is always one step ahead of him, and even more frustrated at the fact that it matters so much to him.)
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