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Horuda Puresu Gallery Quotes

Horuda Puresu (real name: Horuda Umetsu) is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi.



Horuda has upper back-length straight black hair with a parted fringe that covers her left eye. She has grey eyes and a bust size of 1.

She wears the default uniform with short black socks and black panties unless customized by the player.


As of the February 6th, 2018 Build, she wore a long skirt. However, it was later removed in the February 20th, 2018 Build due to it causing several bugs, one of the bugs was making the skirt go through the entire map.


Horuda Umetsu has been bullied at every school she has ever attended, from kindergarten to high school. She has always been considered "weird" by the other children; while some thought that she was merely awkward and gloomy, others felt that she was outright creepy and scary. Strangely, nobody has ever been able to articulate exactly *why* they perceive her in this way; the only explanation offered by the other children is that they dislike her because of "the vibe she gives off."

Despite many attempts to forge bonds with other people, Horuda has never been able to succeed at making a friend - not once in her entire life. She gradually began to feel that her "fate" was to be alone and to be mistreated by others, and so, she eventually decided that her wisest course of action was to spend her time as far away from other people as possible. Unfortunately, her preference for solitude has only reinforced her status as "weird and creepy" in the eyes of others.

A lifetime of being mistreated by others has severely impacted her mental health; she is often preoccupied with very dark thoughts, such as, "All the people who treat me badly should just die!" and "I wish I could kill all of the people who have made me suffer!" Recently, she has begun to use artwork as an outlet for these thoughts, often sketching very morbid drawings of herself torturing and murdering the people who have tormented her in various bloody and gruesome ways.

Some people are more "fragile" than others - just a gentle push away from shattering into a million pieces. When someone is convinced that they have lost everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose all reason to continue clinging to life; their mind becomes occupied by a single thought: "Why don't I just track down the person who made my life so miserable, kill them, and then kill myself?" This thought occupies their mind every waking hour - eating away at them until there is nothing left.

Horuda has attracted the attention of Akademi's bullies, who have nicknamed her "Horuda Puresu" - a term that is meant to sound like the word "Placeholder." The implication is that she has no intrinsic worth or value, and is nothing more than a "background decoration," temporarily occupying a blank space that will eventually be occupied by someone more worthwhile. It's a basic and childish insult, but it's one that directly strikes at her deepest insecurities.

If Horuda's reputation drops any further, she will be targeted by Akademi's bullies - and, although she might not show it outwardly, she would then develop a burning desire to find and kill the person responsible for damaging her reputation. Under those circumstances, this seemingly timid and docile girl could be transformed into a "guided missile" determined to take violent revenge on the person whom she views as responsible for her suffering...and then self-destruct.

— Description on the Official Website.

A shy and timid girl.
Seems to be incapable of standing up for herself.
For some reason, she gives me the impression that she could snap and become violent if pushed too far.

— Description from Info-chan.
Horuda Reaction To Camera

Horuda's reaction to a camera.

Among the personas that are currently implemented in the game, Horuda is Fragile. If she sees a corpse, she will run away from school and call the Police. If she witnesses a murder, she will start begging for Ayano Aishi to spare her life in exchange for her silence; she will then run out of school, but won't call the police. If Ayano kills a Bully in front of her, she will react with the Spiteful persona, like the Delinquents. However, if a pre-bully Kokoro Momoiro is killed in front of Horuda, the latter will be shocked and beg for her life to be spared in exchange for silence, before running out of the school. She is unable to engage in physical combat with murderers. If Ayano aims her Phone aimed at her, she will cover her face in a unique way. Unlike other students who cower to the right and hide, she simply looks and covers her face in nervousness.

If her reputation is lowered to the point that she is being bullied, Ayano can deceive Horuda into thinking that a student of her choice has been spreading rumors about her, which will cause her to commit the murder-suicide of the person she is convinced has ruined her reputation.

In the Death Demon's ritual, it is revealed that Horuda is constantly daydreaming and fantasizing about taking the lives of various people who bullied her in the past. YandereDev also confirms that Horuda wants to kill people who have harmed her[3], such as the bullies.[4] If all of the Bullies are dead or missing, she will stand up straight and smile.

As of the September 1st, 2024 build, Horuda will react with the Spiteful persona if she witnesses a bully being murdered or discovers a corpse of a bully. The next day the player will be able to talk to Horuda without any sort of repercussions.

Due to Horuda's experience of being constantly bullied, she tends to isolate herself from other people. Even if Oka Ruto wanted to befriend her, Horuda's "role" as a bullied social outcast would make her stay away from Oka.[5]



At 7:00 AM, Horuda enters the school grounds, walks to her locker, and changes from her outdoor shoes to her indoor shoes. Then, she walks to the Rooftop and draws gore on the left side of the rooftop. At 8:00 AM, she walks into Classroom 1-2, sits at her desk and plays on her phone. She starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM.

She then leaves to go to the right side of the rooftop to eat her lunch at 1:00 PM. She walks back to class again at 1:22 PM, sits at her desk, and plays around on her phone again until her next classes start. Her next classes start at 1:30 PM.

At 3:30 PM, she lastly participates in cleaning time, which ends at 4:00 PM. During cleaning time, she can be seen cleaning the chalkboards in Classroom 2-2. She will then remove any chalk from her erasers by slapping them together on the rooftop.

Afterward, she heads to her locker, changes from her indoor shoes to her outdoor shoes, and walks home.

Week 2[]

At 7:00 AM, Horuda enters the school grounds, walks to her locker, and changes from her outdoor shoes to her indoor shoes. Then, she will sit down and read by the lockers.

At 8:15 AM, Horuda will walk to Classroom 1-2 and sits at her desk and starts her morning classes at 8:30 AM. Afterwards, she leaves to eat her lunch outside of Classroom 2-2 at 1:00 PM.

At 3:30 PM, she lastly participates in cleaning time which ends at 4:00 PM. Afterward, she will go and read outside of Classroom 2-2 and stays there for the rest of the day.


The topics towards Horuda are (Negative/Positive/Neutral) as follows:

Positive Negative
  • Art
  • Justice
  • Violence
  • Reading
  • Solitude
  • Memes
  • Gossip
  • Socializing
  • School
  • Money


The Bullies[]

The bullies often taunt Horuda by stealing the latter's stuff, leaving annoymous notes, gaslighting her, pretending to be her friend while making it blunt that they're not friends, saying veiled threats without any grounds of incrimination and many more.

A hypothetical situation shows that the bullies tossed out Horuda's shoes, left a crumpled note in her locker, and watched from a distance with smug expressions and giggling. They would then approach Horuda and openly mock her with cruel comments. They would then scamper off after seeing the delinquents come in. The latter would then toss Horuda's shoes at her feet, comment that she should keep her stuff safe, and walk away without talking.[6]

Musume Ronshaku
Main article: Musume Ronshaku

Musume has a task that involves taking a photo of Horuda's hiding spot on the rooftop. Musume considers her to be even creepier than the members of the Occult Club, and she suspects that Horuda has a dirty secret, even though she just likes to read and be alone. Even after Ayano takes a picture, Musume believes she still has a secret.

As of the May 1st, 2024 build, Musume's new task is to spill brown paint on Horuda.

Kokoro Momoiro
Main article: Kokoro Momoiro

Despite Kokoro's true unwillingness to make other people suffer, Horuda could never forgive her for becoming a bully, even if it was to avoid being bullied herself.[7]

YandereDev says that while Horuda could forgive Kokoro, it would take some time.[8]

Kokoro feels the most empathy towards Horuda.[9]

Kuu Dere[]

Main article: Kuu Dere

Horuda attempts to be friends with Kuu, but Kuu is very apathetic and doesn't care very much.[7]

Dafuni Bureiku[]

Main article: Dafuni Bureiku

Dafuni thinks Horuda is weird but she feels bad for her and thinks that it's sad that she's getting bullied. [10]

Her Family[]

Horuda's parents are nice to her, but she worries that they're disappointed in her. She also has an extremely successful older sister.[7] YandereDev later confirms that while her parents feel bad for her, they have given up on their younger daughter. Like other people, they think she is a freak and do not have much hope for her.[11]


  • She was implemented on the February 3rd, 2018 Build.
    • She was originally implemented because of Musume Ronshaku's ID changing, which caused some bugs.
    • She was originally a placeholder character. However, she is no longer a placeholder character and will be in the final game.
    • YandereDev considered adding her in 1980s Mode[12] before deciding that she wouldn't be a placeholder anymore.
    • The reason she was kept in the final game was because she grew on the players and is heavily involved in Musume's story and character.
    • If she was replaced, she would have been replaced with a character from the Gaming Club and would be a boy. He would have been a "Hot Blooded" character who was always fired up and doing dramatic poses and shouting instead of speaking at a reasonable volume. His appearance might have been similar to Meito Anizawa from Lucky Star[13]
  • Her nickname, Horuda Puresu comes from the Japanese word for "placeholder" (プレースホルダー).
  • Her real name is Horuda Umetsu as of the July 1st, 2020 build.
    • Her surname, Umetsu, is a real Japanese surname that means "plum" (ume, 梅) and "harbor" (tsu, 津).
  • YandereDev thought that it was a “cute” idea for her to be the Occult Club president in 1980s Mode.[14]
  • Before the May 2nd Bug-Fixing Build, Ayano could wear her original hairstyle by pressing the H key.
    • Her original hairstyle was the hair used in the easter egg Hateful Mode.
  • Pressing the H key in the debug menu will cause the day to reset. Then, she will become a mind slave, kill Shin Higaku, and then herself. If Shin is dead or absent, she will just end her own life.
  • She shares the same walking animation as Oka Ruto.
    • If all of the bullies are dead or go missing, she will now smile and walk with a straight posture.
      • Despite Kokoro not enjoying bullying, Horuda will still be shy if only Kokoro is left alive. This is because she refuses to forgive Kokoro for the stuff she did.[7]
      • As of the September 15th, 2024 build, however, Horuda will smile and stand straight if only Kokoro is left alive. This may be because Horuda will feel safe if Kokoro quits bullying, even though she doesn't forgive her.
  • She is currently the only student with the Fragile persona.
  • Horror movies are too scary for her to watch.[15]
  • Her favorite food is probably simple to make and can be eaten quickly. An example is "Melonpan".[7]
  • She reads "Isekai" stories.[7]
  • Horuda has been bullied at every school she's ever attended, from Kindergarten to high school. The reason is always the same: "She's just creepy."[16]
  • Horuda is currently one of ten students who has a bounty, with the others being Ryuto Ippongo, Fureddo Jonzu, Umeji Kizuguchi, Otohiko Meichi, Kyuji Konagawa, Hazu Kashibuchi, Toga Tabara, Uekiya Engeika, and Horo Guramu.
  • If Horuda interacted with the delinquents at her school, she would be scared of them, without knowing their history.[17]
  • If she ever managed to make friends, she would try to make herself look like a good friend, and be overly appeasing so that they'd never leave her.[18]
  • Her favorite clothes are sweaters and sweatpants. She looks like a "fujoshi" at home.[7]
  • Horuda is considered the least attractive, with Supana Churu and Kokuma Jutsu.[19]
  • Horuda's music type is dark and edgy music with a lot lyrics talking about the world being terrible and hating everyone around them, wishing their deaths.[20]
  • She could've participated in Kokona Haruka's play as the lead role, since she fantasies about killing the bullies. Ultimately, she would back out at the last minute due to her fear of screwing up and embarrassing herself on a stage in front of people.[21]


