Yandere Simulator Wiki


Yandere Simulator Wiki
Yandere Simulator Wiki

The candle is an item that can be used to set a student on fire in Yandere Simulator.


The candle can be found on a wooden table inside the Occult Club. If the protagonist successfully causes a student to be doused in gasoline through a bucket trap, she's able to set them on fire by walking up to them while holding the candle. Alternatively, she can place the candle on the floor near the doused student.

The candle cannot be concealed in the protagonist's bookbag because of the risk of the bag being inflamed.


  • The candle was implemented in the February 15th, 2019 Build.
  • Unlike matches, students will recognize the protagonist for murder if she burns a student by holding the candle near them.
  • As of the January 1st, 2022 Build, When the protagonist is holding the candle, she will be considered suspicious, unless she joins the Occult Club.
  • The alternative of the candle is the Portable Bunsen Burner, if the player causes the Occult Club to be shut down.
  • This object only has one use.



Someone misplaced this, so I was putting it back where it belongs.

— The protagonist if they apologize to the student.