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Burning is an elimination method in Yandere Simulator.


To eliminate a student by burning them, the protagonist needs to splash them with gasoline, which she can find in Shed. There are several ways of splashing a student:

  1. Set a gasoline bucket trap on a doorway.
  2. Leave a note asking to meet behind the school and pour gasoline from the rooftop.
  3. Set up a Water Cooler trap. The protagonist will need to fill the water cooler with gasoline, find any small weapon to poke a small hole in it, find Masking Tape (in Art Club) and a Spool of Thread (in Sewing Room).
Burning student

An example of burning

Quickly after splashing the student, the protagonist has to make them touch the candle (or the Portable Bunsen Burner); otherwise, the student will run to the Shower Room to wash gasoline off. Any students nearby who witness the death will step back in shock for a couple of seconds before acting on their personas. If the protagonist lights a student on fire by touching them with the candle (or the Portable Bunsen Burner) , witnesses will realize the protagonist for being the murderer and will react depending on their persona.

If the protagonist gets too close to a student who's on fire or tries to pick up a burning corpse, she will step back in pain. After a minute, a burning corpse will be charred. This will allow the protagonist to pick up the corpse.

Moeko Rakuyona[]

Moeko on fire

Moeko being burned while doing her dangerous hobby

You know what they say...
...you play with fire, and you get burned.

— From Moeko's introduction

From 7:17 AM to 8:00 AM and from 4:08 PM to 5:05 PM Moeko will light a fire in the barrel behind the male Shower Room. When finished or interrupted, she will put the fire out with a watering can. To kill her, Ryoba Aishi must fill the watering can with gasoline from the Gardening Club shed. When Moeko attempts to put out the fire with the watering can, thinking it is filled with water, she will be burned alive. If Moeko begins to head towards the barrel but sees the player already standing there, she will turn around instead of lighting the fire. This is Moeko's canonical elimination method, however, any burning method counts for an S+ ending.


  • This elimination method was implemented on the June 15th, 2016 Build.
  • Previously, Ayano was able to get a matchbox from Info-chan for 5 Panty Shot favors. Students would not react to Ayano burning a doused student by throwing a match at them, and they were removed on the March 5th, 2019 build because they were imbalanced gameplay (since no one would have realized that you were a murderer, they were too powerful).
  • YandereDev has said that burning to death would take a lot longer in real life, but in a video game, “you gotta speed things up.”[1]
  • Burning was first hinted at in the blog post, May Preview #4. It showed a girl burning to death through unknown means. A Challenges sprite art for it was shown in May Preview #11.

Quotes And Audio[]


— A female student being splashed with gasoline.


— A male student being splashed with gasoline.

What...IS this?! It smells like...gasoline?!

— A student being drenched by gasoline.

I can't go to class like this...I need to change my clothes...

— The student running to the shower room after being drenched in gasoline.

*screaming and crying*

— A student burning after a source of fire hits their body.

My childhood friend, Osana...she...died...in some kind of...freak accident at school...it's...it's too...sudden...she had her whole life in front of her...and now...she's...gone...it's just not right...

— Taro talking to Amai on Saturday if Ayano kills Osana by burning her.


