Ayano's Cousin is the daughter of Ryoba Aishi's sister. She had already "won" her Senpai, making her a potential mentor to her cousin, Ayano Aishi.
The cousin has black, dyed[1] red-tipped hair, cut just above her shoulders with side swept bangs that cover her left eye by half. Her eyes are grey.
She wears an ash-pink crop-top with a neck-length mesh, a black leather jacket and ripped jeans with chains. She also wears high-heeled boots, gloves with bracelets and lots of necklaces.
Ayano's mother, Ryoba, has a sister who found her Senpai in the year 1994.
Most Aishi choose to start a family very soon after finding their Senpai. Ryoba and her sister are two noteworthy exceptions; both of them waited more than a decade before they finally decided to have children.
Ayano's cousin was born one year before her. She has already found her Senpai and entered a relationship with him. She has extensive knowledge about how to commit murder and get away with it - moreso than most other Aishi.
The first woman to be born with the Aishi Condition lived in the early 1800s. She was nearly emotionless, and was almost completely apathetic; more like a statue or a doll than a living being. However, with each new generation, the Aishi Condition weakens and becomes a lesser version of what it originally was. Each new generation of Aishi has a greater capacity to feel emotions and develop a personality. As the years pass, each new generation of Aishi is less like the original.
The one exception to this is Ayano, who is the first Aishi in centuries to experience the Aishi Condition almost as acutely as her ancestor from the 1800s. She does not express emotions or demonstrate a personality unless it's necessary to do so in order to "fit in" with the rest of society. Some of Ryoba's family members have theorized that this is because Ryoba waited so long to have children. However, that theory cannot possibly be correct, because there is a strong piece of counter-evidence: Ayano's cousin.
Ayano's cousin is from the same "generation" as Ayano, and her mother also waited many years to give birth. However, Ayano's cousin has a very distinct personality, and is extremely expressive. This debunks the theory that an Aishi who waits a long time to have children is dooming their offspring to experience a stronger version of the Aishi Condition.
Her extraordinary expertise in getting away with crimes has caused her to develop a very high opinion of herself and her abilities. When in the company of other Aishi, she will often brag about her skills and boast about the many murders and other felonies that she will never be found guilty of. (Some of her family members find her smug and snarky personality to be distasteful, but they still respect her accomplishments.)
Ayano's cousin developed a strong interest in fashion, and will often mix-and-match elements of goth, punk, and emo fashion styles. She cannot feel comfortable without at least two colors of fingernail polish, three accessories around her neck, four belts somewhere on her body, and five chains incorporated into her outfit. She rejects all colors that are not black, red, or pink. Symmetry bores her to death.
Although most members of the Aishi family are murderers, many of them will only consider taking the life of another human being if it's necessary in order to prevent someone from taking their Senpai away from them. However, Ayano's cousin is different; she has a sadistic streak, and has been known to kill for personal reasons, rather than out of necessity. She does not respond well when she is treated with disrespect; people who are rude towards her often become the victims of very unfortunate "accidents."
When she is not spending time with her Senpai, she enjoys visiting other Aishi and giving them unsolicited criticism and advice. On many occasions, she has offered to train Ayano in the ways of murder. In the past, Ayano has always declined these offers. However, now that Ayano has met her Senpai, there is a possibility that she will contact her cousin and request her advice in the future...
Ayano's cousin's weakness is stated to be "arrogance" on the official website.
- She is attending a high school in Tokyo and not Akademi.[2]
- Ayano's cousin wouldn't play any role in the game, however, she would offer additional tutorials, similar to the in game Kokona's Tutorial.[3][4]
- The difference between her's and Kokona's tutorial would be if the player failed the tutorial. Kokona would inform Ayano that she failed, but reassure her that they can start over and try again. While the cousin's tutorial would be snarky towards Ayano if she failed.[5]
- To access these tutorials, Ayano would call her cousin through the Aishi House, tell her cousin that she wants to meet her, and they both would meet in a big empty parking lot.[4]
- Medibang Mode used Ayano's cousin's old appearance as a placeholder for the time of medibang contest happening. typing 'MEDIBANG' in-game would change Kokuma Jutsu into her.
- Despite not being married, she plans to have kids with her Senpai.[6]
Holy crap, that was awful. Is your strategy to look so pathetic that your rivals feel sorry for you and just give you their Senpai?
Dozuki: Hey - what was your name, again? I’m thirsty.
Cousin: So? What are you telling me for? Go get a drink or something.
Dozuki: Excuse you! I’m your elder!
Cousin: Yeah, okay, but that doesn’t mean I have to be your slave.
Dozuki: You should show proper respect to your elders!
Cousin: Maybe if you gave me a reason to respect you, I would.
Dozuki: Tch! How could your mother have failed so miserably at raising you?!
Cousin: Damn, you must have zero self-awareness to not realize how ironic that statement is, coming from you of all people.
Dozuki: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Cousin: Let’s start at the beginning. If you want something, say please—you know, the basic manners that everyone else was taught back in elementary school.
Dozuki: I don’t have to put up with this kind of disrespect from a brat like you!
Cousin: Disrespect? Asking people to say please is disrespectful? Man, you boomers are something else.
Dozuki: What the hell is a boomer?
Cousin: Ugh... I’m just going to get you a glass of water or something. You can’t drink and talk at the same time, after all...