Wikia Yandere Simulator FR

Les cassettes d'enregistrements sont dispersées un peu partout dans le jeu. Elles ont pour but de dévoiler une partie de l'histoire au joueur. En particulier concernant le passé de la famille de Yandere-chan, et de son lycée.

Actuellement, elles ne peuvent être écoutées que dans la salle du club gaming du lycée.

Cassettes mystérieuses

Situées un peu partout dans le lycée et dans le "basement", elles racontent les évènements ayant eue lieu à l'époque de la scolarité de la mère de Yandere-chan, du point de vue d'un journaliste.

Actuellement au nombre de 10.

Cassette mystérieuse n°1

« Looks like it still works. ...As long as it's recording, I suppose I may as well say something... How long has it been since I last used this thing ? It's been at least two decades... almost three ? Those were better times. I was so young back then. My future seemed... so bright. I remember following my dreams. I remember a promising career. I remember... being happy. If I could turn back time... what would I do differently ? I know. I know exactly what I should have done. I shouldn't have gotten involved in that case... with that girl. Pursuing her was the right thing to do... but if I hadn't involved myself with her, I'd still have a career. When did it begin ? I think it was... April of 1989. The peak of my career as an investigative journalist. That's when I heard about a murder at the local high school. The police had no leads. I decided to investigate it myself. I tried to be a hero... and that was the worst mistake of my life. »

Traduction: « On dirait que ça fonctionne encore... Vu que ça enregistre, je devrais peut-être dire quelque chose... Depuis combien de temps n'ai-je pas utilisé cette machine? Ca doit au moins faire deux décennies... peut-être trois ? Ca me rappelle le bon temps. J'étais encore si jeune à l'époque. Mon futur semblait brillant. Je me souviens d'avoir suivi mes rêves. Je me rappelle d'une carrière prometteuse. Je me souviens... d'avoir été heureux. Si je pouvais retourner dans le passé, que ferais-je différemment ? Je sais. Je sais exactement ce que j'aurais dû faire. Je n'aurais pas dû m'impliquer dans cette affaire... avec cette fille. La traîner devant la justice était la meilleure chose à faire... mais si je ne m'étais pas impliqué avec elle, j'aurais toujours une carrière aujourd'hui. Quand tout cela a commencé? Je crois que c'était... en avril 1989. Quand ma carrière de journaliste d'investigation était à son plus haut sommet. C'est à la même époque que j'ai entendu parler d'un meurtre dans le lycée de la ville. La police n'avait aucune piste. J'ai décidé d'enquêter moi-même. J'ai essayé d'être un héros... mais ce fut la pire erreur de ma vie. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°2

« The school's faculty didn't let me conduct an investigation on school grounds. They were highly concerned with maintaining their prestigious reputation. They didn't want any police or journalists snooping around and ruining the school's image any more than the murder already had. Or maybe they just had something to hide, and didn't want the authorities to find out. To this day I still don't know how the school managed to convince the police that any crime that happens on school grounds can only be investigated for 6 hours maximum. I heard a rumor that the school's headmaster bribes the police department to expedite their investigations as much as possible. There are a lot of unsavory rumors about the school's headmaster, but... none have been proven to be true. Because I couldn't walk around the school, I tried to gather information by interviewing students outside the school gate when they entered or left the school. It was at this point in time that I noticed a peculiar girl who was quite obviously stalking one of her seniors. I decided to keep my eye on her, and before long, I began to observe some disturbing behavior from her. »

Traduction: « L'administration du lycée ne m'a pas laissé enquêter au sein de l'établissement. L'école attachait une attention particulière à la préservation de sa prestigieuse réputation. Aucun policier ou journaliste n'était autorisé à fouiner dans les affaires du lycée et à ruiner l'image de l'établissement plus que le meurtre ne l'avait déjà fait. Ils avaient peut-être quelque chose à cacher et ne voulaient pas que les autorités compétentes le découvrent. Encore aujourd'hui, je ne sais pas comment l'équipe administrative du lycée a pu faire croire à la police que toute enquête criminelle se déroulant dans l'enceinte de l'établissement ne peut excéder six heures. D'ailleurs, j'ai entendu une rumeur à propos du proviseur du lycée qui disait que ce dernier aurait soudoyé les forces de police pour rendre les enquêtes plus expéditives. Il y a tout un tas de rumeurs compromettantes au sujet du proviseur, mais... aucune d'elles n'a été prouvée. Puisque je ne pouvais pas pénétrer à l'intérieur du lycée, j'ai essayé de rassembler des informations en interviewant les étudiants à l'entrée de l'établissement, près du portail, là où ils entraient et sortaient. C'est à ce moment précis que j'ai remarqué cette étrange fille qui était en train d'espionner un garçon plus âgé. J'ai décidé de garder un œil sur elle, et très rapidement, j'ai commencé à observer des comportements dérangeants chez elle. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°3

« From the school gate, I witnessed the girl do more than just stalk an upperclassman... she stalked any girl that spoke to him. Through student interviews, I kept tabs on what happened to those girls... They became victims of bullying, were expelled, and in some cases, stopped coming to school. I frequently saw the girl running with a mop and a bucket, as though she always had some sort of mess to clean up. That girl was using manipulation, intimidation, and sometimes even violence to sabotage the boy's love life. If she wasn't above that kind of behavior, the possibility of murder didn't seem too far off. I didn't want to believe that a schoolgirl would actually commit murder just to keep a boy single, but the evidence was staring me straight in the face. That's when I learned a crucial piece of information... The girl who was murdered at the beginning of the school year had a crush on the same boy that was being stalked. The final piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. I knew that I had found the culprit... and I went to the police with my findings. It took a lot of talking, but I was eventually able to convince them to take the girl into custody. »

Traduction: « Depuis le portail de l'école, j'observais cette fille qui faisait beaucoup plus qu'espionner un lycéen... elle espionnait chaque fille qui lui parlait. Grâce aux interviews des étudiants, j'ai appris ce qui était arrivé à certaines filles au lycée: elles étaient devenues victimes de harcèlement, étaient expulsées de l'établissement, et dans certains cas, cessaient de venir en cours. Par ailleurs, j'ai régulièrement vu cette fille courir avec un balai et un seau, comme si elle avait toujours quelques dégâts à nettoyer. Elle avait recours à la manipulation, à l'intimidation, et parfois à la violence pour saboter la vie amoureuse du garçon. Si elle était capable de ce genre de comportement, l'hypothèse du meurtre ne semblait pas si invraisemblable. A vrai dire, je refusais de croire qu'une lycéenne puisse commettre des meurtres pour qu'un garçon reste célibataire, mais les preuves étaient tangibles. Puis, j'ai appris une information cruciale... la fille qui a été assassinée au début de l'année scolaire était amoureuse de ce même garçon. La dernière pièce du puzzle était là. Je savais que j'avais identifié la coupable... et je suis allé voir la police avec mes trouvailles. J'ai dû négocier un moment, mais j'ai finalement réussi à convaincre la police de mettre cette fille en détention provisoire. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°4

« The idea of a murderous schoolgirl was enough to attract lots of attention. Word of her arrest quickly spread throughout the entire nation. The trial turned into a media circus. I became a celebrity practically overnight. I didn't want to be a public figure, but I did want my investigative skill to be recognized. I hoped that all the attention would boost my career. As it turns out, I was dead wrong. That manipulative little schoolgirl put on the best act I've ever seen. She cried non-stop, feigned ignorance at every opportunity, and had an excuse for every accusation leveled at her. The court fell in love with her. The media fell in love with her. The entire damn nation fell in love with her. She called me a dirty pervert who enjoyed leering at schoolgirls. She called me a fame-seeking yellow journalist. She claimed that I only accused her of murder for sensational headlines. And the court bought every word of it. The day the judge declared her innocent, the entire country celebrated like it was a damn holiday. »

Traduction: « L'idée d'une étudiante meurtrière attirait l'attention de tous.La rumeur de son arrestation s'est rapidement répandue parmi tout le pays.L'affaire s'est transformée en cirque médiatique.Je suis devenu une célébrité en pratiquement une soirée.Je ne voulais pas devenir une personnalité publique, mais je voulais que mon flair soit reconnu.J'espérais que toute cette attention (sur moi) boosterait ma carrière.Mais ce que je pensais n'était qu'illusion.Cette petite étudiante manipulatrice a joué son rôle de jeune fille sage a la perfection.Elle pleurait encore et encore, feignait de ne rien savoir et avait réponse a chacune de mes accusations.La foule est littéralement tombée amoureuse d'elle.Les médias sont tombés amoureux d'elle.La nation entière est tombée amoureuse d'elle.Elle m'a fait passer pour un répugnant pervers, le genre qui aime harceler les étudiantes.Elle m'a fait passer pour un journaliste avide de reconnaissance et d'argent.Elle clamait que je l'accusais uniquement pour faire la une des journaux à sensations.Et les gens buvaient la moindre de ses paroles.Le jour ou le juge l'a disculpée, le pays entier fêtait ce jour comme si c'était un jour férié. '»

Cassette mystérieuse n°5 « From that day forward, I was a national disgrace. I was known across the nation as a lecherous journalist who stalked schoolgirls and tried to throw a girl in prison to boost his own career. I saw disgust in the eyes of every person who looked at me. My house and my car were vandalized every day for weeks. Needless to say, I was never able to work as a journalist again. The police department that arrested the girl was also the subject of national criticism. They were accused of being incompetent fools who would arrest anybody without sufficient evidence. Ever since then, the police in that town have been extremely lenient in an attempt to repair their reputation... and don't want to go anywhere near the local high school except for extremely brief periods of time. But the worst part of the entire experience didn't come from the media or the public. Immediately after the trial, I tried to escape the press by hiding in an alley behind the courthouse. Only one person found me there. It wasn't a journalist or a reporter. It was the girl who had just been declared innocent. I'll never forget her face that day. She was smiling, but her eyes were blank. Empty. Soulless. Like a doll's eyes. She looked like she didn't have a single ounce of humanity in her entire body. With that smiling face, she said to me... "It would be very easy to make your death look like a suicide. Don't ever cross me again." She turned around and left without another word. »

Traduction: « Depuis ce jour, j'étais un déshonneur national.J'étais connu comme étant un journaliste pouilleux qui stalkais les étudiantes et qui avait essayé de jeter en prison une fille uniquement pour son mérite personnel.Ma maison et ma voiture furent vandalisés durant des semaines.Inutile de préciser que je ne puisse plus jamais travailler en tant que journaliste.Le commissariat responsable de l'arrestation de cette fille était aussi sujet a la controverse nationale.Ils étaient traités d'incompétents et d'idiots arrêtant n'importe qui sans preuves suffisantes.Suite à cela, la police de cette ville tenta de se racheter une ré n'approcha pas l'école locale excepté pendant de brèves périodes.Mais le plus mauvais côté de cette expérience n'était pas provoqué les médias ou le public.Immédiatement après le verdict, j'essayais d'échapper a la presse en me cachant dans une allée derrière le tribunal.Une seule personne réussit a me trouver.Ce n'était ni un journaliste ni un reporter.C'était la fille qui venait d'être déclarée innocente.Je n'oublierais jamais son visage ce jour là.Elle souriait, mais ses yeux semblaient blancs.Vides.Sans âme.Tout en gardant cet air souriant, elle m'a dit... "Ce sera vraiment facile de maquiller ton meurtre comme étant un suicide.Ne t'avise 'plus jamais de te mettre en travers de ma route."Elle se retourna, et partit sans un mot. '»

Cassette mystérieuse n°6

« My life was a living hell for about a year, while the trial was still fresh in people's minds. Eventually, the hatred subsided, but it never truly died. There was always someone who recognized me, no matter how much I tried to change my appearance. Finding employment was nearly impossible. I drifted between part-time jobs, and spent my free time drinking to ease the pain of becoming the national punching bag. It was around this point in time that I met my future wife. I still don't understand what she saw in me. I was an absolute wreck, not to mention the laughingstock of the entire country. But as soon as we met, she wanted to spend every waking moment with me. She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and got possessive if another woman so much as looked at me. I quickly began to depend on her for everything. It wasn't long before I couldn't live without her. I certainly wasn't in any state to take care of myself... I was like an adult-sized baby. Helpless and vulnerable. Who knows... maybe that's what she was attracted to. Maybe she just wanted to experience the sensation of owning a person. Maybe she wanted to keep a human pet. Maybe all she wanted was someone who she could emotionally depend on. Even after all these years, I don't understand why anyone would waste their time with a man like me... but none of that mattered. Despite all my flaws, she accepted me. And that's all that I needed. We got married about six months after meeting each other. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°7

« My wife died while giving birth to our only child. I still don't know how I possibly found the strength to keep going after I lost her. I could barely take care of myself, much less a baby. Somehow, I managed to make it through those years... But even after all this time, I'm still a deadbeat drunk who can't hold down a job. It was very difficult to love my own infant daughter, knowing that my wife was dead because of her. I'm pretty sure I was a horrible father. She practically had to raise herself. I never tried to spend much time with her, or learn about her interests. Even now, I don't think I know much about her. I don't even know what kind of person she's turned into. I don't even know what her everyday life is like. I know that she spends all of her time on her computer. She bought it herself. She seems to have a lot of money for someone her age. I'm afraid to ask where it comes from. Sometimes she comes home with blood on her clothing. I can't tell if it's her blood or someone else's blood, I... try to stay out of her business. It's partially out of respect for her privacy... but it's mostly out of fear. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°8

« I've never told anyone about any of this. Never saw a shrink, never had any friends to confide in. I thought it would be therapeutic to record my feelings, even if I'm only talking to an obsolete machine... but this hasn't calmed me down at all. The only thing to come out of this experience is that all the anger and the hate I've kept buried for the past two decades has risen back to the surface. I don't think I can go back to the way things were before. I don't think I can go back to wasting my time with crappy part-time jobs, drinking, and sitting on a couch feeling miserable. I don't want this to be my life ! ...but I can't let myself die just yet, either. Not until I see justice served. That girl, from 1989... she's a grown woman by now, but she's never been punished for the sins of her youth. I can't go on living in a world where a monster like her walks around in public. I'm the only one who knows the truth about her, so I'm the only one who can bring her to justice. I still know how to track a person down. I still know how to learn a person's secrets. I still know how to dig up the truth. For the first time in decades, I feel like I have a purpose. I feel like I know what to do with my life. I'm going to deliver justice to that murderer, or I'm going to die trying. ...this old antique was good for something, after all. »

Cassette mystérieuse n°9

« I found her. It wasn't hard. She never even moved out of her hometown. I've been following her around town for the last week. It's not that hard to follow someone around without being spotted if you know the right tricks. The only difficult part is looking at her without being consumed in disgust. Thinking about what she got away with... thinking about what she's responsible almost makes me go blind with rage. This whole week, I've felt like something was wrong. Yesterday, I realized what it was. I'm surprised it took me so long to figure it out. She'd suddenly change direction when walking, or linger in one place for seemingly no reason. I recognize that behavior. It's my own behavior. I know what she's doing. She's stalking someone. It didn't take me long to figure out who her prey was. A young woman, just out of high school. I don't know what she's done wrong, but she's clearly marked for death. She'll be dead within the week if I don't do something. I want to warn her that a killer is stalking her, but... I can't repeat the mistakes of the past. In order to convict this monster and send her to prison, I need firm evidence that she's a murderer. If I save this young woman's life, I won't have any evidence. I have to let her die. And I have to be there when it happens, filming her murder. It's the only way to get the evidence I need. The only to make sure that justice is served. But... is this really justice ? Letting a woman die ? If I don't get this monster arrested, then there will only be more victims in the future. So, letting her commit murder one last time is... the right thing to do... isn't it ? »

Cassette mystérieuse n°10

« I'm a fool ! I'm a god damned fool ! I got sloppy. She caught me. I followed her into an alley. Lost her in the shadows. Then I heard her voice from behind me... "Long time no see, Mr. Journalist." I turned around and saw her just inches away from me. She was smiling. I recognized that smile. It was the exact same smile she wore when she threatened my life in 1989. I didn't know what to do. I just turned and ran. I've broken a truce that has lasted almost three decades. She knows I was after her ! There's no way she'll let me live : I'm doomed ! I can't go to the police : I'll sound like a babbling lunatic without any evidence, and right now, I don't have any. Even if they do listen to me, and investigate her, they won't find anything. My only option is to leave town - no... no, no, it's worse than that. I have to leave Japan altogether. I searched for you. But I couldn't find you. I can't wait for you to come home. I have to leave immediately. I'm going to gather all of the recordings I've made so far and put them where I know you'll find them. That way, at least you'll know why your father disappeared so suddenly. I only hope that she won't try to get revenge on me by harming you. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know if I'll be back. I don't know if she's willing to cross oceans to hunt her prey. If she is, I'll try to lure her into a trap, try to expose her true nature in front of the police. It's my only hope. I know you can take care of yourself. If I had more time, there are so many things I'd say to you, but I can't - not now. Stay safe. ...I love you... »

Cassettes de la cave

Cachées dans la cave de la maison de Yandere-chan, elles dévoilent comment se sont "rencontré" les parents de cette dernière. Une belle histoire d'amour en perspective.

Actuellement au nombre de 2 (n°1 et n°10).

Cassette de la cave n°1

Cassette de la cave n°2
